Donate to Said Arshid Ali Bacha for His Coronary Angiography

Donate to Said Arshid Ali Bacha for His Coronary Angiography

Said Arshad
100% Complete (success)
$ 265.83 Required
$ 265.83 Raised
0 Remaining

Said Arshid Ali Bacha's Story

“I had enough stamina to work all day long and bear the expenses of my family. I didn’t want my children to become a financial burden for our relatives. I wanted to be able to provide for them myself. But now, this heart disease doesn’t even let me walk for a few minutes without becoming breathless.” – Said Arshid Ali Bacha

Said Arshid Ali Bacha, 45 years of age, has been suffering from ischemic heart disease which is a condition of recurring chest pain that occurs when a part of the heart does not receive enough blood. He experienced sudden breathlessness and was directly taken to the nearest hospital. The pain became continuous and worsened, so the doctors shifted him to Sardar Memorial Hospital in Swabi. The cardiologist at the hospital started Said Asrhid’s treatment immediately.

After conducting an examination, they ran a few tests such as the ECG and ECHO. Once the results were in, the doctor recommended coronary angiography, so his heart condition could be fully investigated and treated.

Deep down inside, Said Arshid knew that he couldn’t afford the cost of the procedure or the medicines due to his financial situation and had given up hope. Due to his heart condition, he had stopped working a while back and could not provide for his family. He worked as a labourer and earned PKR 13,000 a month which was barely enough to feed his family.

The stress he was facing kept adding to his heart condition, making it worse each day. They are a family of 5 living in a 6 marla house which was given to them by their grandparents.

This hopeless situation turned its course into a favourable one for Said Arshid when someone told him about Transparent Hands and the fact that they would help him get his procedure for free. Without wasting any time, they contacted Transparent Hands and explained the situation to them, and their team registered the case on priority.

Said Arshid Ali Bacha has approached Transparent Hands for urgent help. He hopes that with enough donations, he can finally have the surgery that will put his life out of danger.

Please donate to his cause!

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Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.


Donated: $ 265.83

Said Arshid Ali Bacha's Story

45-year-old Said Arshid Ali Bacha was diagnosed with old inferior wall myocardial infarction. The cardiologist recommended an angiography for him so that the condition of the blood vessels in his heart could be assessed properly. He was admitted in Muhammad Sardar Khan Memorial hospital and the procedure was performed by Dr. Umar Ibrahim on 16.10.2020. He was discharged the same day in a stable condition. The angiography report revealed that he has blockage of all of his major coronary vessels. He is advised open heart surgery (CABG) for subsequent management. “I am a labourer. My salary is not enough to go through with these expensive medical procedures. Healthcare services are a luxury for people like us. May God bless this organization and everyone who helped me.” – Said Arshid

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