Donate to Muhammad Yaqoob for His Open Heart Surgery
Muhammad Yaqoob's Story
71-year-old Muhammad Yaqoob had been experiencing chest pain for the last three months or so. At first, he tried self-medication but then about two months ago, he suffered from a heart attack. Yaqoob’s cardiologist diagnosed his condition as ischemic heart disease (IHD) and recommended an angiography, which he didn’t get because of financial constraints. Later, he contacted our organization and we arranged for his angiography. The angiography reports have shown that the blood supply to his heart is severely affected and he needs an open heart surgery- coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). This surgery would help improve the blood flow to his heart.
Although his condition is precarious, Muhammad Yaqoob does not have the financial means to go through with this major surgery. He has twelve children. He does not work anymore because of his fragile health. The family income is largely dependent on Yaqoob’s sons. But even then, it does not even cross the 20,000 PKR threshold per month. This is why Yaqoob and his family are worried about the future.
“We are not even sure what our father suffers from. All we know is that he is in immense pain. He is not energetic and strong like he used to be. And in our circumstances, we cannot afford an open heart surgery.”– Muhammad Yaqoob’s daughter
Muhammad Yaqoob’s family has again contacted us for help. We have registered his case for this next procedure as well.
Since, his condition is getting worse, we request you to donate generously for him so he can get the surgery on an urgent basis.
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Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
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Muhammad Yaqoob's Story
Muhammad Yaqoob, 71 years old, suffered from constant chest pain and was diagnosed with multi-vessel coronary artery disease. His cardiologist suggested a coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery to restore the blood flow to his heart. For this purpose, Yaqoob was admitted in National Hospital & Medical Center and the surgery was performed by Dr. Tayyab Pasha on 08.11.2020. His hospital stay was thirteen days and he was discharged in a stable condition. Yaqoob’s heart is on his way to recovery and has gradually resumed his daily routine.
His reaction, straight from Yaqoob’s heart:“I feel like I am young again. The doctors improved the blood flow to my heart through the surgery. The donors have given me another chance at a life that I thought was slipping away from under my feet due to lack of financial resources.”- Muhammad Yaqoob