Donate to help Rukhsar!

Donate to help Rukhsar!

100% Complete (success)
$ 377.88 Required
$ 377.88 Raised
0 Remaining

Rukhsar Qamar Abbas's Story

A child’s smile is perceived as the most innocent thing on this planet but Rukhsar is one of those unfortunate kids who are unable to smile due to their miserable circumstances. Rukhsar has been suffering from Inguinal Hernia since birth; she is just 9 years old and already fighting with this disease in hope of living a healthy and normal life. Doctors have recommended an immediate surgery for the recovery but her parents don’t have enough financial resources to cater the treatment. All she wants is a life where she can get to live like a normal kid who is capable of enjoying every perk that every child deserves. We humbly request you to reach out to us and become a source of happiness for Rukhsar. Together, we can do our best to give her a healthy life!

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Qasim Mueen

Donated: $ 377.88

Rukhsar Qamar Abbas's Story

When you come out of a storm, you are not the same person anymore. You feel strengthened and a bit more realistic towards life and everything starts to make sense. That’s pretty much what Rukhsar felt when she got the treatment of the disease which was bothering her since birth. She was operated on January 29, 2014 under the observation of the doctors on the panel of Transparent Hands. Her parents are quite contended to see her smiling, laughing and walking again. Now, Rukhsar has been healed and she is living a life that she really deserves.

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