Donate to Bilal Yousaf for His Radiation Therapy

Donate to Bilal Yousaf for His Radiation Therapy

Zakat Eligible Bilal Yousaf
100% Complete (success)
$ 193.54 Required
$ 193.54 Raised
0 Remaining

Bilal Yousaf 's Story

6 months ago, 21-year-old Bilal Yousaf started experiencing problems with his speech and severe headache. His parents took him to a local hospital to get these alarming symptoms checked. An MRI was performed, which revealed a growth in his brain. When his biopsy was done, the growth was diagnosed to be a glioma. It has been determined that right now, radiotherapy is the best way to fight this tumor because it would halt its growth.

Radiation therapy is a costly treatment and Bilal’s family does not have the means to pay for it. His father, a laborer, depends on daily wages to support his family. The most he earns is 16,000 PKR a month. Bilal has two other siblings, one of whom is studying in school and the other works as a home tutor to contribute around 5000 PKR to the monthly expenses. Since their income cannot support Bilal’s treatment, the family contacted several welfare hospitals but no one registered his case. Finally, they asked Transparent Hands for help and this case was immediately brought on board.

“My boy was happily attending college. He had a bright future but all of that seems to be fading right before my eyes. When he is in pain or can’t speak properly or can’t walk without support, he helplessly turns to me and asks when he would get well and I don’t have any answer for him.” – Bilal’s mother

To give Bilal a fighting chance at survival, his radiation therapy needs to be carried out urgently.

Please help us arrange for it by donating to him as much as possible.

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Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.


Donated: $ 117.64

 Meena Vhora

Donated: $ 75.90

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