Donate to Asiya Bibi for Her C-Section

Donate to Asiya Bibi for Her C-Section

Zakat Eligible Asiya Bibi
100% Complete (success)
$ 328.31 Required
$ 328.31 Raised
0 Remaining

Asiya Bibi's Story

31-year-old Asiya Bibi, a mother of three, is expecting her fourth child in a few weeks’ time. Her sons and daughter were all delivered through a C-section due to their complicated fetal positions during the pregnancies. This time again, her child’s delivery is to be done via a C-section.

Asiya’s husband looks after cattle on a farm belonging to a landlord in their village. This position earns him an average of 8000 PKR per month. This family lives in a small house that has been granted to them temporarily by the government. During all three of Asiya’s previous C-sections, financial help was given by relatives and the couple also sold the valuables in their position. This time, however, they do not have any resources left and have asked Transparent Hands’ assistance in this matter.

“Private hospitals are demanding upwards of 60,000 PKR for the operation and that is well beyond our financial reach. It is such an expensive surgery. We were somehow able to scrape together enough money for my previous C-sections but we haven’t had any luck this time” – Asiya Bibi

Asiya Bibi’s appointment has been arranged but she can only proceed with the operation with your donations. If you feel she deserves your help, please don’t hesitate to donate today!

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Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.


Donated: $ 328.31

Asiya Bibi's Story

Asiya Bibi, 31 years old, was advised a lower segment Caesarean section for the birth of her fourth child since she had a history of three previous C-sections. She was admitted in Abid hospital and the procedure was performed by Dr. Sadaf Aqeel on 29.10.2020. She had a beautiful baby boy. Asiya stayed in the hospital for two days and was discharged in a stable condition. She and her baby are in perfect health.

“We got really worried when the doctor told us that a C-section was necessary. Our baby boy has arrived safely solely because of your kind donations. We are extremely grateful.”- Asiya Bibi


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