Donate to Ahsan Asghar for His Hand Rehabilitation
Ahsan Asghar's Story
“It happened in the spur of the moment. My right hand slipped and before I even had time to react, it was stuck in the machine. There was blood everywhere. I was completely dazed as they rushed me to the hospital. When I finally came a little to my senses, I realized I had lost a finger. It was a really painful accident. I am right handed so losing my finger poses problems in my daily life and work. But I thank God that there are ways to repair the damage. I could have lost my entire hand.” – Ahsan Asghar
Ahsan Asghar, 23 years old, has been a factory worker for 7 years. Around 6 years ago, he had an accident while operating a power press (heavy machinery used to shape iron). As a result, a finger on his right hand got amputated. He was immediately rushed to a local hospital where the doctors administered first aid and stopped the bleeding but were unable to reattach his finger. Consequently, Ahsan has problems maintaining grip with his right hand especially while operating heavy machinery during his work. In order to restore his hand, he requires a hand rehabilitation procedure.
4 years ago, Ahsan’s father passed away. Since then, he has been the main breadwinner in his family. Two of his younger siblings go to school and one works part-time. Ahsan and his family get by on 18,000 PKR a month out of which, 6500 PKR are spent on rent. The rest of the money is used for monthly household and utility expenses, and school fees. With such a limited income, Ahsan cannot afford his prosthesis on his own and has hence approached Transparent Hands for help.
You can help Ahsan regain full use of his right hand by donating for his rehabilitation surgery.
All contributions count.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Launch Good
Donated: $ 137.51
Hope Rehabilitation Center
Donated: $ 46.45
Donated: $ 19
Madihullah Riaz
Donated: $ 10.45
Ahsan Asghar's Story
Ahsan Asghar, 23 years old, was working a power press when his hand got stuck in the machine and was cut. He was taken to the hospital for emergency care. Later on, he was advised to have an artificial hand with zipped glove placed. His procedure was done by Dr. Sohail on 20-06-20, in Hope rehabilitation center, Lahore. His artificial hand was fixed and he is now able to use it successfully.