Donate to Ahmed Khan for His Total Hip Replacement
Muhammad Ahmed Khan's Story
Muhammad Ahmed Khan, 52 years old, met with an accident a year ago and sustained serious injuries to both his hip joints. He was on strict bed rest for several months to recover. After that, his doctor recommended to him to slowly start movement into his day to day life. Unfortunately, the damage to his hip joints was so extensive that he wasn’t able to bear putting weight on them. Ahmed consulted his doctor again who informed him that the best way to get his mobility back would be to have surgery for total hip replacement.
Ahmed held a private job before the accident, in which he earned around 45,000 PKR/month. Since he lives in the metropolitan city of Karachi with his wife, 3 small children, and 5 members of his extended family, his income just about covered the basic expenses but not much beyond that. Since there is no other earning hand in the family, Ahmed has actually accumulated a debt of 350,000 PKR over the years because of various family-related expenses that he couldn’t manage on his own.
“My financial situation was bad long before the accident. After the accident, things have become even more difficult since now, I cannot work and there is no money coming in. All 10 of us have no one to rely on now. I also doesn’t have the option of borrowing money for my surgery. I am already indebted to so many friends and I don’t see any future prospects of being able to pay them back.” – Ahmed Khan
We believe Ahmed deserves all the help he can get for this surgery. To help us arrange for it, please donate to him today.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Donated: $ 1,449.96
Patel Hospital
Donated: $ 414
Allied Marketing (Pvt) Ltd
Donated: $ 211.88
Donated: $ 96.77
Tayyab Ali
Donated: $ 68.69
Sarah Hassan
Donated: $ 50.63
Donated: $ 43.75
M. Hassan Tanveer
Donated: $ 28.14
Donated: $ 15
Ali Teymur Agha
Donated: $ 15
Donated: $ 10
Ikramah Nazir
Donated: $ 10
Anh Doan
Donated: $ 5
Madihullah Riaz
Donated: $ 5
Tauseef Rab
Donated: $ 1
Muhammad Ahmed Khan's Story
Muhammad Ahmed Khan, 52 years old, was suffering from bilateral hip pain, which worsened after an accident last year. He was diagnosed with bilateral hip osteoarthritis (OA) and was advised bilateral total hip replacement (THR). He was operated in Patel Hospital Karachi, by Dr Naseem, on 08-07-20. He stayed for 3 days and was discharged in a stable condition.