Donate Karam Ilahi for her Open Heart Surgery

Donate Karam Ilahi for her Open Heart Surgery

100% Complete (success)
$ 3,489.11 Required
$ 3,489.11 Raised
0 Remaining

Karam ilahi's Story


“We have been running to hospitals and tried everything that is possible to heal my mother’s heart. She needs urgent heart surgery but we cannot afford it. I can’t see my old mother suffering so much. I live in guilt every moment and I cannot even imagine losing her.” – Karam’s son

Karam Ilahi is a 65 years old cardiac patient suffering from Ischemic heart disease – a condition in which there is a serious blockage in her arteries leading to poor blood and oxygen flow in the heart. This disease will gradually damage her heart by increasing the risks of getting fatal heart attacks.

She experiences shortness of breath, dizziness, rapid heartbeats, fatigue, cough and congestion in the chest. Within the last 2 years, her symptoms have worsened so much that she has swelling in her legs, feet and abdomen. She feels extreme pain in her chest especially when her blood pressure rises. She also has difficulty in sleeping at night.

Last year, she underwent her Angiography from a local hospital but she couldn’t proceed further because of her financial condition. Now the doctor has advised her open heart surgery for permanent relief as soon as possible. Without timely surgery, she may lose her life.

Karam is a widow and has 2 sons and 1 daughter. Her daughter is married and is living separately with her in-laws. After her husband’s death, she came to live with her younger son in a small house. Her younger son is a salesman and earns 8000 PKR per month. He is also married and has the responsibility of his wife and children as well. At this crucial moment, Karim Ilahi needs your love, respect and care that she deserves.

She is scheduled for her Open Heart Surgery in a few days at National Hospital, Lahore. Your donation for her surgery can entitle her the right to live a healthy and dignified life.

Together, let’s give this old woman a second chance to live a better life!

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.


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 TH EmergencyFund

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 Muhammad Umair Saleem

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 Mossadiq Ghanghro

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 Muhammad Arsalan Abbasi

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 Hafsah Khan

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 Asem Akhtar

Donated: $ 100

 Arghoon Baig

Donated: $ 70.61


Donated: $ 66.33

 Hassan Amin

Donated: $ 50

 Sabena mir

Donated: $ 23

 Haseeb Mansoor

Donated: $ 10.01

 Dawood Aslam

Donated: $ 7.67


Donated: $ 0.90

Karam ilahi's Story

Karam Elahi 63 years old lady was suffering from frequent chest pain. Her percutaneous intervention (PCI) and other tests were done. She was found to have triple vessel disease and was advised open heart surgery - coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). Her surgery was done in National Hospital & Medical Center on 29-01-19 by Dr. Ahmed Shehbaz. She stayed for 4 days in hospital and recovered well. She was discharged in good health with follow-up advice.

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