Donate for Shabnum’s Artificial Leg
Shabnum Bibi's Story
Before you dive into the gory details of Shabnum Bibi’s ailment, please know that only your help can get her back up on her feet. Therefore, we request you to please donate for Shabnum’s artificial leg.
One year ago, at the age of thirty-four years, Shabnum Bibi had a terrible road accident. She was riding a motorcycle when the motorcycle accidentally hit a truck. Shabnum Bibi sustained severe trauma to her right leg resulting in a crushed leg. The rescue teams immediately took her to the hospital, where her leg had to be amputated. After the wound healed, the doctor advised her to get a prosthetic leg. Shabnum Bibi hovered here and there in search of a prosthetic leg. But, due to COVID closures, Shabnum Bibi could not get an artificial leg from a public hospital.
Unfortunately, Shabnum Bibi cannot afford to arrange her surgery at a private hospital. Shabnum Bibi’s husband passed away ten years ago. Since then, she has been the sole earner of the family. Due to her disability, she has been unable to work and thus relies on the financial support of neighbors and relatives. Shabnum Bibi told us:
“Ever since my husband passed away, I have had to perform multiple roles at the same time. I am the mother, father, and provider of the family. After my accident, it feels as if I have failed in all the roles. I am not even able to take care of myself. Whoever is reading this, please help me.”
Therefore, with their doctor’s help, Shabnum and her son have registered themselves with Transparent Hands. We hope that with your kind donations, we will be able to arrange her artificial leg for free. Therefore, we urge you to please donate for Shabnum’s artificial leg. Help us get her back up on her feet. Donate as much as you can.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Sujit jagdev
Donated: $ 524.80
Hope Rehabilitation Center
Donated: $ 64.52
Madihullah Riaz
Donated: $ 40
Shabnum Bibi's Story
Shabnum Bibi, a 35 years old lady, resident of Khichiwala was on a bike and she got hit by a truck one year ago. Her leg was amputated on spot. Her husband took her to the hospital and the doctors amputated her right leg above knee level. She was advised to get an artificial leg to get support in walking. Her right leg above-knee prosthesis was done in Hope Rehabilitation Center by Dr. Khalid Niazi on 30 Sep 2021. She is happy to have her artificial leg as she can walk independently now.