Donate for Mumtaz Bibi’s Left Phaco and IOL
Mumtaz Bibi's Story
60-year-old Mumtaz Bibi hails from Bakhar and suffers from cataract in the left eye. We know what you are thinking, it happens at this age! But what you must know is that Mumtaz’s sense of vision has been on a decline for the last couple of years or so. The situation might have been averted had she taken care of herself! But life has not allowed Mumtaz to take care of her, her family has been battling with a financial crisis for a long time now. And because of the financial plight, Mumtaz Bibi cannot afford the recommended surgical treatment for her cloudy eye i.e. left phacoemulsification with an intraocular lens.
In case you don’t know much about Phaco + IOL, it is easy to understand what happens in this two-step surgical procedure. First, a small probe is inserted via an incision to shatter the cloudy lens which characterizes cataracts. Then, an artificial intraocular lens is placed in the place of the natural lens that has been removed. Quite a simple surgery with minimum risk involved. And yet, Mumtaz Bibi cannot have it because she cannot afford it. She says:
“My old man cannot work anymore, he is actually too old now! So, we are entirely reliant on what our son earns. And that is not a lot either, 15 grand/month at the very most. Hence, you can understand why I am not too optimistic about my surgery. I mean, unless someone helps me out, there is no practicality in even thinking about the idea!”
Mumtaz sounds hopeless but that doesn’t mean she still doesn’t want to enjoy the colors of this beautiful world. She wants to play with her grandkids, to see them grow up is one of her wishes. Are you going to help us? Because we are going to help Mumtaz by raising funds for her left Phaco IOL!
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Mumtaz Bibi's Story
Mumtaz Bibi, 60 years old, felt like she was losing her eyesight. On medical check-up, she was diagnosed with a cataract in her left eye. The doctor recommended surgical extraction of this faulty lens. For this purpose, Mumtaz was admitted in Bakhtawar Amin Memorial hospital and her Phacoemulsification surgery along with intra-ocular lens implantation was performed by Dr. Hassan Raza on 04.12.2020. She was discharged after one day of hospital stay in a satisfactory condition. Mumtaz Bibi has regained her eyesight.