Donate for Muhammad Hasnain’s Urethroplasty
Muhammad Hasnain's Story
Muhammad Hasnain, a four-year-old toddler, is battling with the problem of coronal hypospadias and deserves all of your affection & attention. Hypospadias refers to a condition in which the urethral opening of a male’s genatilia is not located at its normal position. In the case of coronal hypospadias, the meatus is located either at the corona or on the glans/shaft junction. This poor penile development requires urethral reconstruction, and the surgical procedure that can achieve this goal is known as urethroplasty. The surgery involves reconstruction of the urethra that is narrowed by scar tissue. An urethroplasty promises to put an end to Muhammad Hasnain’s pain and misery. But affording the treatment is not possible for Hasnain’s family right now.
Hasnain’s father is a small stall vendor, all he makes by selling food refreshment items doesn’t even amount to 500 rupees a day, sometimes. It is days like these that make Hasnain’s father pessimistic about his son’s treatment prospects. He says:
“We have been through some tough times as a family already, you know. Managing a six-membered family in what I earn is never easy. Most of what I earn is gone at the first of every month in the name of house rent. So, please understand that I say it with a very heavy heart when I say this: I am not sure if I will be ever able to afford my boy’s treatment”
Hasnain’s father is tired of fighting with life, but he has not given up completely yet. There is one hope still left in his arsenal, and that hope is donors who will read his story on Transparent Hands. You are one of those in whom Hasnain’s father has put his last shreds of hope and trust. Honour Hasnain’s father’s trust by donating for his urethroplasty NOW!
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Muhammad Hasnain's Story
Muhammad Hasnain, aged 4 years, presented with abnormal stream of urine. He was diagnosed with coronal hypospadias. The doctor recommended urethroplasty surgery for its correction. Therefore, Hasnain was admitted to Maryam Memorial Hospital and the surgery was performed by Dr. Omar on 23.02.2021. He stayed in the hospital for three days and was discharged in a satisfactory condition. Hasnain has recovered quickly from his surgery.