Donate for Maria Bibi’s C-Section Delivery

Donate for Maria Bibi’s C-Section Delivery

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100% Complete (success)
$ 442.08 Required
$ 442.08 Raised
0 Remaining

Maria Bibi's Story

Maria Bibi, a 22-year-old resident of Multan, is eagerly awaiting the arrival of her second child. However, her joy is tempered by the financial challenges her family faces in accessing the necessary medical care.

Maria is currently over 32 weeks pregnant, and her gynecologist has planned for an elective cesarean section due to her previous history of a C-section. This recommendation is crucial for ensuring a safe delivery for both Maria and her unborn child.

Maria and her family reside in a one-room house in Multan, which they own. Her husband, a laborer, earns a daily wage of PKR 20,000. While this income may seem substantial, the family’s financial condition is far from stable. They are barely able to make ends meet, with utility bills of PKR 3,000 each month adding to their financial burden.

Maria is a housewife, and the family’s sole source of income is her husband’s daily earnings. They have a 4-year-old son, and the entire family is dependent on the husband’s income. The prospect of affording the C-section procedure, which is essential for Maria’s well-being, is a daunting prospect that casts a shadow over the family’s anticipation of their new arrival.

In this time of uncertainty, Maria’s family reached out to Transparent Hands. Maria, with a heavy heart, appeals to the community for support: “I humbly request your kindness and generosity to help me undergo the necessary C-section procedure. Your contribution can alleviate the financial burden on my family and allow me to focus on the joyous arrival of our new child.”

Maria’s situation underscores the plight of many expectant mothers who face significant barriers in accessing essential healthcare due to financial constraints. By contributing to Maria’s healthcare fund, we can help ensure that she receives the medical care she requires, allowing her to welcome her new child into the world with peace of mind and without the added stress of mounting debt.

Let us come together as a community and make a tangible difference in Maria’s life. Your support can transform her journey and serve as a beacon of hope for other families facing similar challenges.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Asif Siddiqi

Donated: $ 217.39

 Bakhtawar Amin Memorial Trust Hospital

Donated: $ 158.37

 Afifah Shaikh

Donated: $ 66.33

Maria Bibi's Story

Maria Bibi, a 22-year-old woman from Multan, was filled with anticipation as she approached the end of her second pregnancy. She had already undergone one C-section with her first child, which led her gynecologist to carefully monitor her pregnancy. After several checkups and considering her medical history, the doctor recommended an elective C-section for Maria. The decision was made to prevent any complications that might arise from attempting a natural delivery after her previous surgery. Unfortunately, Maria’s family was unable to pay for the surgery. Maria lives in a modest house with a joint family of six members. Her husband is a daily wage laborer and the sole breadwinner in the family. He earns just enough to cover their basic needs. Maria’s thoughts were consumed with anxiety, knowing that without the surgery, both her and her baby’s life could be in danger. The fear of complications weighed heavily on Maria and her husband, but their financial constraints left them feeling helpless. During this difficult time, Maria turned to Transparent Hands and asked us for help. Upon learning about her condition, we swiftly registered her case. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, Maria was able to undergo the C-section without waiting for too long. On 19-07-2024, Maria was admitted to Bakhtwar Amin Memorial Hospital in Multan. The surgery took place on the same day. Dr. Asim Iqbal carefully managed her case and Maria gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Maria was hospitalized for three days and received post-operative care. After recovery, she was discharged in stable condition on 21-07-2024. Her relief and gratitude was immeasurable, knowing that her baby was saved. Maria said with tears of happiness in her eyes: "I am so thankful to the generous people who supported me. I had no idea how we could afford the surgery, but your help brought my baby safely into this world. You gave us hope and a future!" Maria and her family are immensely grateful to you as your support made this life-saving surgery possible. She can now focus on her recovery, care for her children, and have a happy life. Thanks for making a meaningful impact on her life.

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