Donate for Asim’s Prosthetic Leg

Donate for Asim’s Prosthetic Leg

Zakat Eligible Asim Iqbal
100% Complete (success)
$ 678.84 Required
$ 678.84 Raised
0 Remaining

Asim Iqbal's Story

Nine months ago, an 18-year-old student from Kasur named Asim Iqbal, met a tragic roadside accident that changed his life for good. Despite laborious efforts, the surgeons could not save Asim’s left leg that suffered immense trauma. Sadly, he had to undergo above knee amputation. Even in the darkest phase of his life, Asim Iqbal remained optimistic. The zeal for life kept him motivated to heal and continue his life by making it better. He was determined to get a prosthesis and luckily got one from Hope Rehabilitation Centre. Asim shares his ordeal in the following words:

“At first I felt as if my life has ended, but then I thought, No, I can not give up on life. This life is God’s gift so I will strive to survive. But on certain days I had to battle my thoughts and force myself to look at the bright side. After getting healed the next challenge was to get a prosthesis. After much struggle, luckily I got a prosthesis from Hope Rehabilitation Centre and learnt how to walk. Later I continued with my studies. My prosthesis has totally worn out and I require a new one in order to carry out day to day activities. My father is a security guard, and earns PKR. 10,000 a month. With a debt surmounting to PKR. 50,000 and a family of seven to provide for, my father can sadly not afford a Prosthesis for me.”

Asim Iqbal’s optimism can even be seen in his signature on the medical file, where he has incorporated a star in it. Luckily, now that Asim Iqbal and his family have been connected with Transparent Hands, you can generously donate for Asim Iqbal’s prosthesis and fill his life with the stars that he dreams of. 

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Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Laiba butt

Donated: $ 557.88

 Hope Rehabilitation Center

Donated: $ 70.64

 ....I don't want to tell my name??

Donated: $ 50

 Romaisa Malik

Donated: $ 0.32

Asim Iqbal's Story

Asim Iqbal, aged 18 years, suffered from a terrible roadside accident around 9 months ago. As a result of this accident, he received trauma to his left leg. The leg had to be amputated above the knee. Since he had his whole life ahead of him, the doctor advised a left above knee prosthetic leg for him. This would decrease his dependence on other people. Asim’s prosthesis was installed by Dr. Khalid Niaz in HOPE Rehabilitation Center on 4th May 2021. Asim is over the moon on receiving his prosthesis and looks forward to walking around on his own.


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