Donate for Asghari’s C-section
Asghari Irshad's Story
Asghari Irshad is expecting to welcome a baby in her life. But, the excitement is coupled with fear. The thought of an unprecedented danger keeps hovering above her head. Your help can ease Asghari’s mind. Therefore, we request you to please donate for Asghari’s C-section as much as you can.
Twenty-nine years old Asghari Irshad is a mother of two beautiful children. Due to some complications involving her pregnancies, she delivered her . Now, Asghari Irshad is expecting her third child. Keeping her medical history in view, the gynaecologist has advised her to undergo a Cesarean section again. Caesarean section, also known as C-section, or caesarean delivery, is the surgical procedure by which a baby is delivered through an incision in the pregnant person’s abdomen. Without a C section, both Asghari and her baby’s life is in danger.
Unfortunately, Asghari Irshad cannot afford the hefty cost of a C-section. Asghari Irshad is financially dependent on her husband. He works as a rickshaw driver and hardly earns PKR 12000 per month. He cannot afford to arrange surgery at a private hospital. They circled back and forth to various hospitals to seek a free C-Section but could not secure a date anywhere.
“I do not feel safe dragging my pregnant wife to the hospitals with me. But, we have no other choice. The lady doctor has told us that we must arrange for Asghari’s C-section. Otherwise, her and our baby’s life will be in constant danger. I request everyone who is reading this to help me.” -Asghari Irshad’s Husband.
After a lot of distress, Asghari Irshad has registered a case with Transparent Hands. Transparent Hands has assured her that we would bring her child into this world safely. Now, all we need is your help. Please donate for Asghari’s C-section.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Asghari Irshad's Story
Asghari Irshad, aged 29 years, had a history of two previous C-sections. Her doctor advised a C-section for the delivery of her third baby as well. For this purpose, Asghari was admitted to Abid Hospital and her baby was delivered by Dr. Sadaf Aqeel on 25.06.2021. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Asghari’s hospital stay was two days and she was discharged in a stable condition. She and her baby girl are in perfect health now.