Donate for Ahmad Ali’s Orchidopexy
Ahmad Ali's Story
Before you dive into the gory details of Ahmad Ali’s ailment, please know that you can help him. Your donation, however small it may be, will change Ahmad’s life for good. Therefore, we request you to please donate for Ahmad Ali’s Orchidopexy as much as you can.
Eleven years old Ahmad Ali hails from a small town near Lahore. Two years ago, Ahmad was diagnosed to have right undescended testis. The condition arises when a testicle doesn’t move into its proper position even in the time period following birth. To treat this condition, the doctor has advised Ahmad Ali to undergo an Orchidopexy. Orchiopexy is a surgery to move an undescended testicle into the scrotum and permanently fix it there.
While an Orchidopexy promises a return to normal life for Ahmad Ali, unfortunately, it is a procedure his parents cannot afford. Ahmad’s father and grandfather work at a vegetable stall in farmers’ market. Despite their efforts, they hardly manage to earn PKR 15000 per month. With a family of 11 and rent to take care of, they cannot afford the hefty cost of Ahmad Ali’s surgery. Ahmad’s father told us:
“Everywhere we go, we are asked to come after the pandemic has ended. My son is in a lot of discomfort. We cannot wait until after the pandemic because God knows when that will be. I just want my son to get better as soon as possible.”
After a lot of physical and mental distress, Ahmad Ali’s parents have requested Transparent Hands for help. Ahmad’s story reduced us to tears. We wish to get Ahmad healthy and happy as soon as possible. But, it won’t be possible without your help. Therefore, we request you to please donate for Ahmad Ali’s Orchidopexy as much as you can. Donate now!
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Ahmad Ali's Story
Ahmad Ali, aged 11 years, was diagnosed with a congenital condition in which his left testicle had not descended to its correct position in the scrotum. On medical evaluation, the doctor advised surgical correction for him. Ahmad was, therefore, admitted to Akram Medical Complex and his orchidopexy was performed by Dr. M. Bilal Mirza on 6th August 2021. He stayed in the hospital for two days and was discharged in a satisfactory condition. Ahmad has had a swift recovery from his surgery.