Donate for Abida Abbas’s Mastectomy

Donate for Abida Abbas’s Mastectomy

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0% Complete (success)
$ 849.80 Required
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$ 849.80 Remaining

Abida Abbas's Story

Abida Abbas, a 47-year-old resident of Sialkot, has been dealing with a lump in her right breast for some time. She was deeply concerned about her condition and went to see a doctor for a complete examination and evaluation.

Following several tests and evaluations, the doctor diagnosed Abida with Carcinoma of the Right Breast. This sad news caused Abida and her husband much grief as they struggled with the mandatory work up to reach the diagnosis.

She was recommended to have a Right Modified Radical Mastectomy (MRM) by her doctor, a surgical technique that involves removing the whole breast along with some surrounding tissue and lymph nodes, by the doctor due to the spreading  nature of this  breast cancer. This surgery is critical for treating the malignant development and avoiding future spread.

Abida, a loving housewife, lives with her husband in a rented house in Sialkot for which they pay PKR 3,000 each month. Her husband, a daily wager, makes PKR 20,000 per month, which barely covers their basic family needs. With no alternative source of income and limited financial means, She was stuck in a difficult situation, unable to pay for the recommended surgery.

Abida said it in despair:

“We can’t afford the surgery. I’m relying on the support of generous donors to help me through this.”

Abida contacted Transparent Hands to register her case. Your contribution can be a light of hope for her, allowing her to receive the necessary surgical surgery she requires. Your donation can help to reduce the financial strain and ensure that Abida has got best medical care.

Please consider supporting Abida Abbas’ Right Modified Radical Mastectomy (MRM) surgery. Your help can make a significant difference in her life, restoring her health and allowing her to continue being a source of strength for her loved ones.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

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