Donate Asma Riaz for her Anorectoplasty
Asma Riaz's Story
She is unable to go out because of her congenital defect. Help her now so that she can start living a normal life!
Asma Riaz is a 10 years old bright student of 4th grade. Asma used to be a confident child but for last few years, she has not been able to study and play like before due to her congenital defect. Asma is a born patient of Recto-vestibular Fistula – an anorectal congenital disorder where an abnormal connection (fistula) exists between the rectum and the vulval vestibule of the female genitalia and the stool passage is not developed properly.
She has been suffering from this pain for past many years. Asma underwent her first surgery ‘Colostomy’ from a local hospital free of cost after which her condition was slightly improved. Doctor told her parents that she needs to undergo two more surgeries to correct the defect completely. Asma’s parents requested the hospital to conduct her other surgeries as well but they kept on giving further dates to her. Asma’s health is not allowing her to go to school. She feels embarrassment in front of her friends due to bad odor caused by opening of her colon on abdomen. She also faces hygiene issues due to which she has lost her confidence and stays in her room all the time. Asma’s friends stay away from her because of this disease which is very upsetting for her.
Asma’s father requested many hospitals for free treatment but they are not taking her case because of long list of patients already waiting. Her father cannot pay for her surgical treatment because of lack of money. He is a daily wage laborer and earns around 400 rupees a day. In such meager income, it’s impossible for him to pay for the household expenses and also for his daughter’s surgery. Luckily, they came to know about Transparent Hands and they immediately came here.
Asma is now scheduled for her Anorectoplasty in a few days at Akram Medical Complex. Her surgery will only be successful with the help of your donations.
Your donations can enable her to start living like normal kids of her age. Help her now!
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Sarah Qureshi
Donated: $ 266.38
Mossadiq Ghanghro
Donated: $ 158.53
Donated: $ 157.54
sumaiya nathani
Donated: $ 101.18
Osman Masood
Donated: $ 69.93
TH EmergencyFund
Donated: $ 2.41
Rahat hameed
Donated: $ 1.02
Asma Riaz's Story
Asma Riaz 10 years old girl was suffering from Anorectal Malformation (ARM)- resulting in an abnormal communication between the rectum and genital tract- Rectovestibular Fistula. Her colostomy was done 2 years ago to make a temporary passage of stool and she was advised surgery to construct her back passage at the normal site. Her surgery was done in Akram Medical Complex on 09-08-18 by Dr. Naveed Haider and her Posterior Sagittal Anorectoplasty was done. She stayed for three days in the hospital with good post-operative recovery and was discharged with further medical advice.