Ambreen Desperately Needs a C-Section

Ambreen Suhail's Story
Ambreen Suhail, a 30-year-old woman from Karachi, is over 32 weeks pregnant and approaching the end of her pregnancy. Upon finding out about her second pregnancy, her heart was filled with joy and anticipation. To consult a gynecologist, she visited a nearby hospital. After performing an ultrasound scan, the doctor told Ambreen that her baby was in breech presentation with cephalopelvic disproportion. It occurs when a baby is in an abnormal position (buttocks or feet first) and the baby’s head is too large or the mother’s pelvis is too small to allow for a vaginal delivery. Therefore, her doctor has advised a C-section for a safe delivery. However, the cost of the C-section is out of her family’s financial capacity.
If she does not undergo a C-section, the risks for both mother and baby will increase significantly. It may lead to birth trauma, umbilical cord prolapse, and even death.
Ambreen lives in a modest home with her husband and one child. Her husband, the sole provider for the family, works as a tailor at a garments company and brings in just PKR 30,000 per month. His household expenses take up a significant portion of his income which includes utility bills of PKR 3000, food, and other living expenses. They are facing extreme financial hardships and are worried about the delivery. They just want their child’s safe arrival and wish their home will be filled with happiness once again. However, affording to pay for Ambreen’s C-section is beyond their reach.
Ambreen said in despair:
“I am pregnant with my second child and I wish to undergo safe delivery. My husband works hard to provide for our family but his income barely covers our basic needs. I feel helpless during this time of need. I request you to please contribute for my C-section.”
Ambreen’s only hope is with you. We ask you to be generous and donate to make a life-changing difference. Your support can ensure a safe delivery for Ambreen and her baby. Every contribution, big or small, can bring them closer to a happier and healthier future.
Come forward and help Ambreen welcome her child into the world safely.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.