Ali Abbas Awaits VSD Closure Surgery

Ali Abbas Awaits VSD Closure Surgery

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$ 3,413.40 Required
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$ 3,413.40 Remaining

Syed Ali Abbas's Story

Syed Ali Abbas, a 5-year-old innocent boy from Hafizabad, has been suffering from shortness of breath and chest discomfort since birth. Simple activities like playing and running make him breathless and fatigued. Ali is not growing properly and his parents are heartbroken to see him suffering from this condition. They took him to a nearby hospital and consulted a doctor, who conducted some lab tests and diagnosed Ali with moderate Peri-Membranous Restricted VSD – a heart defect located in the outflow tract of the left ventricle near the aortic valve and Left Ventricular Volume Overload (LVVO). To repair the defects in his heart, the doctor advised VSD closure surgery. However, the cost of the surgery was beyond his family’s financial means.

The doctors confirmed their worst fears: If Ali’s condition is left untreated, his condition may get worse. It may lead to heart failure or even cause death. His parents wish to see him healthy and spend a normal life like other kids of his age.

Ali lives in a modest rented house with his parents and two siblings. His mother is a housewife and his siblings are young and studying. His father, the sole breadwinner in the family, works as an electrician and earns just PKR 15000 per month. This income is sufficient to cover even the household bills, educational expenses as well the cost of groceries. Affording to pay for surgery is significantly challenging for them. During this difficult time, Ali’s family reached out to Transparent Hands and asked us for assistance.

Ali’s parents expressed their plea as follows:

“Our son’s life is at risk and we can’t help him. We are waiting for the day when he can have a chance to live a normal life. Without surgery, his future feels uncertain. We request you to please support our child.”

Ali desperately needs this surgery but his parents are unable to help him. We urge you to come forward and give new hope and healing to this innocent child.

This surgery will be a turning point in his life. Join hands with us to save Ali’s life.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

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