Ahmed Awaits Total Correction Surgery

Ahmed Awaits Total Correction Surgery

Zakat Eligible Ahmed pre image
11.002162643938% Complete (success)
$ 2,970.05 Required
$ 322.97 Raised
$ 2,647.08 Remaining

Ahmed Karim Ullah's Story

Ahmed, a 3-year-old innocent boy from Manshera, is suffering from Cyanosis and breathlessness on mild to moderate physical activity since birth. His parents recently learned about his condition and visited a doctor, who diagnosed him with Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) and advised total correction surgery.

Ahmed is the only child of his parents. His father is a daily wager, earning approximately PKR 24,000 per month. The family lives in a rented house, paying PKR 4,500 per month. The father is the sole breadwinner, and there are no other sources of income. Additionally, the family has utility bills amounting to PKR 4,500 and a loan of PKR 50,000 that they are required to pay. Given the financial constraints, Ahmed’s father is unable to afford the expenses for the much-needed surgical treatment. The cost of the total correction surgery is a significant burden on the family, and they are in desperate need of assistance.

Ahmed said in a depressed tone:

“I yearn for the moment when Ahmed can finally experience the pure joy of breathing without the weight of his condition on his heart. I humbly appeal for your kind donations to help make this a reality.”

With your kind donation, we can help Ahmed undergo the life-saving surgery and provide him with the opportunity to breathe freely and live a fulfilling life. Your contribution can make a profound difference and give Ahmed a chance to overcome his debilitating condition and fulfill his dreams.

Please consider donating for Ahmed’s Total Correction Surgery and help him take the first step towards a brighter future. Your generosity can transform the life of this young boy and his family, giving them hope and the chance to live without the constant fear of his health deteriorating.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Khizar Ali

Donated: $ 200

 Samara Arain

Donated: $ 100

 Omair Akhoon

Donated: $ 13.31

 Ali Ayaz

Donated: $ 3.98

 Saad Afzal

Donated: $ 3.61

 Annus Rehman

Donated: $ 2.07

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