Your Support is Needed for Our Medical Camp in Multan

Your Support is Needed for Our Medical Camp in Multan

  • 25 Jun 2022
  • 4632
100% Complete (success)
$ 1,692.43 Required
$ 1,692.43 Raised
0 Remaining


Transparent Hands is organizing a free medical camp in Multan, Punjab. In this medical camp, our team of dedicated doctors and specialists will provide the following facilities to 400+ deserving patients:

  • Free Consultation
  • Free Blood Pressure Test
  • Free Diabetes Test
  • Free Hepatitis B & C Screening Test
  • Free Medicines
  • Free Registration of Deserving Cases for Surgeries and Medical Procedures


Multan is the 7th largest city of Pakistan with a population of almost 1.9 million. Plagued with air pollution due to extensive burning of municipal solid waste, Multan’s inhabitants experience adverse effects on their health, especially those who are living in remote areas or slums. Exposure to poor air quality can cause short-term illnesses such as eye, nose, and throat infections and over time, can lead to respiratory disease, cardiac disease, or even cancer.

People living in urban areas in Multan have access to primary healthcare in the city as it is home to some major hospitals. However, since people in nearby villages are deprived of such facilities due to a lack of resources, they are more susceptible to diseases. Moreover, Multan’s major hospitals see an influx of patients from these surrounding areas and are hence understaffed and overburdened.

Our Solution:

Team Transparent Hands will address the basic health needs of men, women, and children living in Multan and surrounding areas. A free medical camp will be conducted there, which will help the patients to identify their health issues and register for treatment. Moreover, they will also be taught preventive measures against certain diseases along with methods to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Donate for our medical camp and transform the lives of hundreds of patients. Our journey isn’t possible without the support of people like you!

Transparent Hands recently organized a free medical camp and preventive healthcare session in Basti Muhammad Pur Ghota Qasim Bella, Multan Cantt, on June 25, 2022. We held it to fill the gaps in Multan’s healthcare facilities by providing free treatments to the impoverished patients in the area. Alkhidmat Foundation Multan participated in the medical camp.

Free Consultations and Diagnostic Tests

A total of 602 deserving patients received free consultations, diabetes tests, Hepatitis B & C tests, eye check-ups, and blood pressure tests. We also distributed free face masks and hand sanitizers.

Preventive Healthcare Session on Eye Problems 

Dr. Asfand Yar, an Eye Surgeon, held a preventive healthcare session on eye problems for all those who attended the medical camp. The session covered various precautions that can be adopted to prevent eye problems. Eye treatments were also discussed.

Diseases and Treatments

Most of the patients who sought consultation at the medical camp were suffering from eye problems, hepatitis, allergies, cough, weakness, fever, pains, gastric problems, and chest infections. Free medicines were given to a large number of deserving patients. Only five patients were advised to undergo surgeries. 


Our free medical camp in Multan made a difference in the lives of 602 patients and their families. Thousands of donors and sponsors are supporting Transparent Hands in championing the cause of providing quality health care to even more impoverished, rural, and remote areas of the country. 

Medical Camp Team

The medical camp team consisted of 18 members, including a supervisor, four doctors (one female and three males), three lab technicians, two pharmacists, a patient registrar, a photographer, and six crew workers.

 TH EmergencyFund

Donated: $ 386.38

 Qasim Mueen

Donated: $ 371.31

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 316

 Naveed M Gill

Donated: $ 100

 Zeeshan Syed

Donated: $ 100

 Virginia Sparkman

Donated: $ 100

 Meliyah Khan

Donated: $ 79.18

 Nadia Waheed

Donated: $ 50

 Adil Aquil

Donated: $ 50

 Raheel Anwer

Donated: $ 30


Donated: $ 25

 Palwasha Hamidzada

Donated: $ 20

 Muhammad Soyan Afzal

Donated: $ 15.67

 Athar Khan

Donated: $ 15

 Ahmed Khiari

Donated: $ 10

 Romaisa Malik

Donated: $ 6.92


Donated: $ 6


Donated: $ 5

 Neha Aamir

Donated: $ 4.96

 Jacho Berracha

Donated: $ 1

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