Support and Fund our Free Medical Camp in Korangi, Karachi

Support and Fund our Free Medical Camp in Korangi, Karachi

  • 12 Aug 2023
  • Korangi
  • 8931
Korangi upcoming medical camp
100% Complete (success)
$ 1,061.82 Required
$ 1,061.82 Raised
0 Remaining


Transparent Hands will organize a free medical camp in Korangi, Karachi. The free medical camp will facilitate hundreds of underprivileged patients in this area. Our medical camp team will provide the following healthcare services:

  • Free Consultations
  • Free Medicines
  • Free Hepatitis B and C Screenings
  • Free BSR and Blood Pressure Tests
  • Free  Registration of Deserving Cases for Surgeries and Medical Procedures
  • Free Uric Acid and Cholesterol Tests


Korangi Town is a large area in Karachi consisting of nine union councils. This town is famous for its industrial area. The people of Korangi Town are facing numerous challenges related to sanitation, waste, and sewerage mismanagement. The area suffers from contaminated water sources, leading to various health issues among the community members. Diarrhea, stomach aches, fever, throat infections, and hepatitis are prevalent health problems. 

Our Solution

Transparent Hands intends to organize a free medical camp and preventive healthcare session for deserving patients in Korangi, Karachi. The doctors and specialists will offer free consultations, medications, and diagnostic tests. Transparent Hands will register patients who require surgeries or other medical treatment and refer them to one of our panel hospitals. You can help save the lives of hundreds of deserving patients in Korangi, Karachi, by donating to this worthy cause.

Transparent Hands, in collaboration with the Nizami Organization and the Thara Foundation, recently organized a free medical camp and preventive healthcare session. The primary objective of this medical camp was to ensure equitable access to high-quality healthcare services for underprivileged individuals. The free medical camp was held at GBPS School Korangi number 3 ½, Madina Colony, Korangi, Karachi on August 12, 2023. 

Free Consultations, Medicines, and Diagnostic Tests

A total of 452 deserving patients received free consultations with expert doctors. Additionally, the provision of essential medicines, diabetes tests, screenings for hepatitis B and C, and assessments for Malaria, Cholesterol, and blood pressure were also conducted free of charge. A total of 105 lab tests were also conducted.

Preventive Healthcare Session 

One of our expert doctors conducted a preventive healthcare session, emphasizing the importance of personal hygiene and providing guidance on improving hygiene practices.

Diseases and Treatments

A majority of the patients seeking consultations at the medical camp presented with symptoms such as fever, cough, flu, earache, weak eyesight, eye allergy, seasonal allergies, skin infections, scabies, vertigo, mouth blisters, chest infection, vomiting, nausea, high BP, heart issues, diabetes, body pain, joint pain, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and body weakness. 


The free medical camp held in Korangi, Karachi profoundly impacted the lives of 452 deserving patients and their families, serving as a beacon of hope by delivering much-needed medical care to those in dire need. The camp's primary objective was to ensure that disadvantaged individuals had access to essential healthcare services, offering free consultations and treatments. A preventive healthcare session was conducted, enlightening participants with practical tips on maintaining personal hygiene. By fostering public awareness and promoting individual accountability for health, this comprehensive approach significantly enhanced healthcare outcomes within the community. The camp's success was made possible through the unwavering generosity of numerous donors who shared Transparent Hands' vision of providing quality healthcare to underprivileged communities in remote areas.

Medical Camp Team

The Korangi medical camp team consisted of 25 members, including two supervisors, 3 doctors (two females and one male), three nurses, four lab technicians, six pharmacists, six patient registrars, and one photographer. The 17 volunteers from DOW Medical College also participated in this camp. Donate For Upcoming Medical Camps


Donated: $ 865.11

 April Walker

Donated: $ 100


Donated: $ 30


Donated: $ 17.46

 Hira ali

Donated: $ 15

 Maheera Siddique

Donated: $ 10


Donated: $ 10

 Amira Malik

Donated: $ 5

 Johanna Ellattar

Donated: $ 5

 Haseeb Mansoor

Donated: $ 4

 Qirsa Rasheed

Donated: $ 0.24

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