Residents of Dadu Need Your Donations for Quality Health Care

Residents of Dadu Need Your Donations for Quality Health Care

  • 29 May 2023
  • Dadu
  • 5693
Upcoming free medical camp in dadu
100% Complete (success)
$ 900.67 Required
$ 900.67 Raised
0 Remaining


Transparent Hands has taken the initiative to help the underprivileged and poor residents of Dadu by organizing a free medical camp and preventive healthcare session in Village Choli Depar, Tehsil Mehar, District Dadu, Sindh. Our dedicated medical team, consisting of doctors, nurses, and pharmacists, will offer a comprehensive range of healthcare services to eligible patients free of cost.

  • Free Consultations
  • First Aid
  • Medicines 
  • Hepatitis B and C screenings 
  • Blood Sugar Test
  • Blood Pressure Checkup
  • Uric Acid and Cholesterol Tests
  • Free Registration of Deserving Cases for Surgeries and Medical Procedures


A variety of health issues plague Dadu district in Sindh Pakistan, particularly the poor residents. Malnutrition is a serious issue, and a lack of access to food and clean water is its main cause. As a result, many children are undernourished and women suffer from diseases like anemia. Poor sanitation, a lack of hygiene, and insufficient healthcare facilities contribute to the spread of infectious diseases like malaria, dengue fever, and typhoid. Other prevalent health problems in the region include respiratory diseases, especially chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which is linked to the high prevalence of air pollution. 

In addition to inadequate healthcare access, the district faces a shortage of healthcare professionals, particularly in rural areas, which exacerbates the issue. Overall, Dadu’s problems show how badly its residents need better access to medical care, clean water, sanitation facilities, and preventive healthcare sessions. 

Our Solution 

Transparent Hands has taken up the noble initiative to extend free medical camps and preventive care services to the impoverished residents of Dadu. Our team of compassionate and dedicated doctors and specialists will provide free medical consultations, medicines, and important diagnostic tests to deserving patients. Transparent Hands will keep track of any patients who may need surgery or other important treatment and send them to one of the hospitals on our panel. 

You can save many lives by joining this philanthropic mission. To help deserving patients live happy, healthy lives, we provide free healthcare, which is only possible with the help of continuous support and generous donations, which have enabled us to continue providing free and quality healthcare services to the most vulnerable and marginalized communities.

Transparent Hands recently organized a life-changing free medical camp and preventive healthcare session for the impoverished patients of Dadu in UC Khan Jo Goth, Village Choli Depar, Tehsil Mehar, District Dadu, Sindh, on 29th May 2023. It illuminated a ray of hope in the lives of those in need. With the sole mission of making quality healthcare accessible to all, Transparent Hands organized this camp, ensuring that vital medical services reached the underprivileged community of Dadu.  The Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund also participated in this medical camp and made some of the arrangements. 

Free Consultations, Medicines, and Diagnostic Tests

A total of 335 deserving patients were provided with free consultations by expert doctors. In addition to the consultations, essential healthcare services included free medicines, diabetes tests, screenings for hepatitis B and C, and examinations for typhoid, malaria, cholesterol, and blood pressure. All these essential services were made available to the patients at no cost, ensuring their well-being and contributing to the improvement of their overall health.

Diseases and Treatments

Most of the patients who sought consultation were suffering from fever, flu, cough, vomiting, migraine, kidney stones, earache, weak eyesight, asthma, allergies, fever, diabetes, body pain, hypertension, gastric problems, and body weakness. A total of 35 lab tests were also conducted during the medical camp. Around 3% of the tested patients had hepatitis C, and 2% had hepatitis B.

Preventive Healthcare Session on Personal Hygiene

A female doctor conducted a preventive healthcare session specifically focused on preventing malaria and dengue fever. The doctor highlighted the importance of using mosquito repellents, wearing long sleeves, and sleeping under bed nets to prevent mosquito bites. It is also a good idea to get rid of any standing water around your house and to install screens on any doors or windows. 


The successful free medical camp held in District Dadu, Sindh, has made a significant impact on the lives of 335 deserving patients and their families by addressing pressing health issues that the people of Dadu have been facing. With limited access to quality healthcare services, Dadu's impoverished, remote, and rural areas have been particularly vulnerable to health challenges. 

This camp has provided vital healthcare services and consultations to those in need, ensuring that they receive the attention and treatment required for their well-being. By addressing health issues such as infections, respiratory illnesses, and gastrointestinal problems through preventive care and expert medical guidance, the camp has alleviated the suffering of many individuals and families in Dadu. Moreover, the preventive healthcare session focused on preventing malaria and dengue fever has empowered the attendees with the knowledge and practical tips to maintain better health practices in their daily lives.

The impact of this successful free medical camp goes beyond the immediate medical assistance provided. It serves as a beacon of hope for the people of Dadu, instilling a sense of trust and confidence that quality healthcare is within reach. Furthermore, it strengthens the resolve of Transparent Hands and its donors to continue their mission of expanding healthcare access to more impoverished and remote areas across the country. It stands as a testament to the power of compassion, collaboration, and the transformative impact that quality healthcare can have on individuals, families, and communities in need.

Medical Camp Team

The medical camp team consisted of 16 members, including two supervisors, four doctors (two females and two males), two nurses, one lab technician, two pharmacists, four patient registrars, and one photographer. Support Our Upcoming Medical Camps 

 john doe

Donated: $ 444.51

 Fakhar Islam and Nusrat Fakhar

Donated: $ 242

 Wamiq Hamid

Donated: $ 60

 Qasim Mueen

Donated: $ 50

 Kamran suleman

Donated: $ 30

 Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund

Donated: $ 28.17


Donated: $ 16


Donated: $ 10

 Haseeb Mansoor

Donated: $ 6

 N Nawaz

Donated: $ 6


Donated: $ 5

 Zulfiqar ali

Donated: $ 1.41

 Ghulam Ahmed

Donated: $ 1.23


Donated: $ 0.35

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