Improve Health Outcomes for the Needy in Bubak

Improve Health Outcomes for the Needy in Bubak

  • 12 Oct 2024
  • Dadu
  • 5553
Upcoming free medical camp in Bubak
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Transparent Hands is committed to its mission to help numerous deserving patients by arranging free medical camps annually. This time, we are going to arrange a free medical camp and preventive healthcare session in Bubak to facilitate the underprivileged communities. Bubak is a small town with limited healthcare resources, leaving many people with untreated health issues. We aim to help needy people by providing them with free consultations, diagnostic tests, ultrasound scans as well as medications.


In Bubak, the residents face significant challenges in accessing healthcare due to a shortage of medical facilities and financial hardships. People often travel long distances for even medical consultations. This barrier sometimes leaves their health issues undiagnosed, negatively impacting their quality of life.

Many patients suffer from diseases like fever, flu, diarrhea, and typhoid. Some infectious diseases like tuberculosis and malaria are also common. Maternal health issues are also a significant concern due to inadequate care.


This free medical camp will offer consultations, diagnostic services, and medications to address these challenges. Our doctors will screen for common conditions, ensuring patients receive timely treatments for infections and chronic diseases. Overall, this camp will play a crucial role in making healthcare accessible to the needy people of Bubak. Following medical services will be provided at our free medical camp in Bubak.

· General Check-Ups
· Gynecology Check-Ups
· Ultrasound Scans
· Blood Pressure Check-Ups
· Hepatitis B & C Screenings
· Uric Acid Tests
· Cholesterol Tests
· BSR (Blood Sugar) Tests
· Preventive Healthcare Session
· Deserving Surgical/Medical procedure cases will be registered

Preventive Healthcare Session

To support long-term health improvements, a healthcare session will educate the community regarding one of the common health issues in Bubak. It will give them information to take proactive steps in maintaining their health.

Through this initiative, Transparent Hands aims to improve both immediate healthcare access and community awareness, leading to better overall health outcomes for the residents of Bubak.

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