Help us Bring Medical Relief to Flood Affectees in Kasur

Help us Bring Medical Relief to Flood Affectees in Kasur

  • 13 Sep 2023
  • Kasur
  • 3193
Upcoming medical camp for flood affectees in Kasur in kasur
100% Complete (success)
$ 1,335.68 Required
$ 1,335.68 Raised
0 Remaining


Transparent Hands will organize a free medical camp in Kasur. The free medical camp will facilitate hundreds of underprivileged patients in this area. Our medical camp team will provide the following healthcare services:

  • Free Consultations
  • Free Blood Pressure Test
  • Free Diabetes Test
  • Ultrasound test
  • Free Cholesterol and Uric Acid
  • Free Hep B and C Screening
  • Free Medicines
  • Free Registration of Deserving Cases for Surgeries and Medical Procedures


The people of Kasur living near the River Sutlej are facing various health issues and problems. The rising river water due to floods exacerbates these concerns. The floodwaters contaminate the local water supply, leading to waterborne diseases such as diarrheal infections, cholera, and typhoid fever. The stagnant water resulted in the breeding of mosquitoes, increasing the risk of mosquito-borne diseases like malaria and dengue fever. Additionally, floods can cause injuries, skin infections, and respiratory problems due to exposure to dirty water, debris, and mold. Our free medical camp would be immensely beneficial in this critical situation.

Health Effects of Floods in Pakistan

Our Solution

Amidst the rising waters of River Sutlej, we are stepping forward with compassion. We are organizing a free medical camp and a preventive healthcare session for the flood affectees in Kasur. The team of skilled doctors will provide free check-ups, medicines, and diagnostic tests to those in need. If someone requires surgery or a medical procedure, we will ensure they’re registered and provided with the best care. In this critical time, your support can make a tremendous difference for the affected individuals. By contributing to this noble cause, you’re not only saving lives but also offering a ray of hope to those facing adversity due to the escalating river waters.

Transparent Hands, in sponsorship with Systems Limited, recently conducted a free medical camp and preventive healthcare session in Bazeed Pur, Kasur, on September 13, 2023. This free medical camp aimed to make quality healthcare accessible to deserving patients. Furthermore, Allah Wala Trust provided a facility for eyesight checkups and distributed free glasses to those in need.

Free Consultations, Medicines, and Diagnostic Tests

During the medical camp, a remarkable number of 594 deserving patients received free consultations from expert doctors. They were also provided with free medicines, diabetes tests, uric acid tests, hepatitis B and C screenings, ultrasounds, cholesterol checks, eye check-ups, blood pressure check-ups, and prescription glasses. Additionally, a total of 298 diagnostic tests were conducted, offering essential healthcare services to those in need, without any cost.


Diseases and Treatments

The patients who sought consultation during the medical camp presented with a range of common ailments, including fever, cough, flu, earache, toothache, chest infection, seasonal allergies, scabies, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and diabetes.

Preventive Healthcare Session

Our expert doctors held a preventive healthcare session for the attendees at the free medical camp. The session focused on the prevention and management and prevention of diabetes.


The provision of free healthcare services, including medicines, diagnostic tests, and preventive healthcare sessions, has brought profound and heartfelt changes to the lives of 594 deserving patients and their families in Kasur. Through the opportunity to consult with expert doctors at no cost, these patients have not only received medical care but also experienced a sense of compassion and understanding that has touched their hearts.

The availability of free medicines has not only relieved their financial burden but has also given them a sense of security, knowing that their health needs are being taken care of. The diagnostic tests conducted during the medical camp have not only identified underlying health conditions but have also provided a sense of relief, as early detection allows for better treatment outcomes.

Moreover, the preventive healthcare sessions have equipped these patients with essential knowledge and tools to take control of their health and well-being. This has not only improved their physical health but has also given them a renewed sense of confidence and resilience.

Medical Camp Team

The Bazeed Pur medical camp team consisted of 16 members, including one supervisor, four doctors (two males and two females), one lab technician, one optometrist and one assistant, two pharmacists, two patient registrars /crew members, one volunteer, one staff nurse, and two photographers.

Upcoming Medical Camps

 Systems Limited

Donated: $ 1,335.68

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