Free Medical Camp in Bhai Kot by Transparent Hands

Free Medical Camp in Bhai Kot by Transparent Hands

  • 15 Nov 2019
  • 3766
100% Complete (success)
$ 711.04 Required
$ 711.04 Raised
0 Remaining

Transparent Hands organized a free one-day medical camp on 15th November 2019 in Bhai Kot, Lahore. The camp was sponsored by Hi-Tech Lubricants. 

In the medical camp, 450 patients availed free medical consultation facility. They were also provided free medicines and diagnostic test facilities including blood pressure and a diabetes test. Many patients complained of stomach infections, fever, and weakness. A large number of patients were diagnosed with allergies due to the chemical plant in their village. They were given medicines and the doctors also guided them to adopt preventive measures. 

Among the patients, 2 surgical cases of gallstones and ENT were identified. They were preregistered for free surgical treatment through Transparent Hands. 

Even though the health sector in the city is in a good state, adequate healthcare services are still out of the reach of poor people living in rural and remote areas. Through this medical camp Bhai Kot, hundreds of people of all ages were provided quality medical services and with your constant support, we can reach out to many more people in the coming future.

Transparent Hands team of 15 members managed this medical camp successfully. The team included 7 doctors (4 males, 3 females), 1 pharmacist, 2 patient registrars, 1 male nurse, 2 supervisors, 1 photographer, and 1 volunteer.           

Transparent Hands organized a free one-day medical camp on 15th November 2019 in Bhai Kot, Lahore. The camp was sponsored by Hi-Tech Lubricants.  In the medical camp, 450 patients availed themselves free medical consultation facility. They were also provided free medicines and diagnostic tests facility including blood pressure and a diabetes test. Many patients complained of stomach infections, fever, and weakness. A large number of patients were diagnosed with allergies due to the chemical plant in their village. They were given medicines and the doctors also guided them to adopt preventive measures. 

Result of Free Medical Camp in BhaiKot

Among the patients, 2 surgical cases of gallstones and ENT were identified. They were preregistered for free surgical treatment through Transparent Hands.  Even though the health sector in city is in a good state, adequate healthcare services are still out of the reach of poor people living in rural and remote areas. Through this medical camp, hundreds of people of all ages were provided quality medical services and with your constant support, we can reach out to many more people in the coming future. Transparent Hands team of 15 members managed this medical camp successfully. The team included 7 doctors (4 males, 3 females), 1 pharmacist, 2 patient registrars, 1 male nurse, 2 supervisors, 1 photographer and 1 volunteer.             

 Hi-Tech Lubricants

Donated: $ 711.04

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