Donate to Our Free Medical Camp for a Healthier Future in Karachi

Donate to Our Free Medical Camp for a Healthier Future in Karachi

  • 30 Sep 2023
  • Karachi
  • 8480
Upcoming free medical camp In KArachi
100% Complete (success)
$ 1,080.38 Required
$ 1,080.38 Raised
0 Remaining


Transparent Hands is organizing a free medical camp and preventive healthcare session in Karachi. The initiative aims to provide vital medical assistance to underprivileged patients in the area. Skilled doctors and dedicated medical camp members will offer a range of healthcare services to those in need.

  • Free Consultations
  • First Aid
  • Free Medicines 
  • Hepatitis B and C Screenings 
  • Blood Sugar Test
  • Blood Pressure Checkup
  • Free Registration of Deserving Cases for Surgeries and Medical Procedures


Karachi is currently facing significant health challenges due to its inadequate healthcare infrastructure and overcrowded hospitals. One of the primary concerns is the limited access to quality medical care, which affects a large portion of the population. The city is grappling with a high burden of infectious diseases, such as typhoid and cholera, predominantly caused by poor sanitation and compromised water quality. Additionally, prevalent communicable diseases like tuberculosis and hepatitis continue to pose significant risks to public health. Furthermore, the city is witnessing an alarming rise in non-communicable diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular ailments, and respiratory disorders.

Our Solution 

Transparent Hands is actively addressing the healthcare needs of underprivileged individuals in Karachi. We are organizing a free Karachi medical camp and healthcare session, where skilled doctors will provide valuable services such as free consultations, essential medicines, and important diagnostic tests. Additionally, we will also assist patients in need of surgery by registering them and referring them to hospitals for further care. Your support is crucial in making a significant impact by providing essential medical assistance to those who cannot afford it. Through your donation, you can contribute to improving the health and well-being of the local community while bringing hope to those in need.

List of All Upcoming Medical Camps 

Transparent Hands, in sponsorship with Total Parco Pakistan,  recently organized a free medical camp and preventive healthcare session with the aim of providing accessible and high-quality healthcare to underprivileged patients. It was held at the Cantonment Board Creek Korangi Dispensary, Bhattai Colony Creek Korangi, Karachi on September 30, 2023.

Free Consultations, Medicines, and Diagnostic Tests

A comprehensive range of healthcare services was extended to a total of 566 deserving patients during the medical camp. These services included free consultations with expert doctors, as well as the provision of essential medications and various screenings such as diabetes, hepatitis B & C, malaria, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Additionally, a total of 134 laboratory tests were conducted.

Preventive Healthcare Session on Vector Borne Diseases

During the preventive healthcare session, our expert doctor focused on educating the attendees about vector-borne diseases. They discussed how these diseases, which are transmitted through mosquitoes or ticks, can be prevented through effective measures like using insect repellents and eliminating breeding sites.

Diseases and Treatments

Most of the patients who sought consultation were suffering from fever, cough, flu, chest infection, seasonal allergies, skin rashes, diabetes, body pain, hypertension, gastric problems, and body weaknesses.


This free medical camp in Karachi had a profound and lasting impact on 566 deserving patients and their families. It provided essential medical care and support during their difficult circumstances. The primary goal of the camp was to ensure that those in need had access to vital healthcare services, including free consultations, medications, and treatments. The remarkable success of the camp was made achievable through the incredible generosity of numerous donors who shared our mission of delivering exceptional healthcare to underprivileged communities in remote areas.

Medical Camp Team

The Karachi medical camp team comprised 12 members, including one supervisor, four doctors (two females and two males), one nurse, one lab technician, two pharmacists, three patient registrars, and one photographer.

Donate For Upcoming Health Camps


Donated: $ 1,080.38

Latest Medical Camps