Donate for free healthcare services in remote area of Chakwal

Donate for free healthcare services in remote area of Chakwal

  • 26 Mar 2021
  • Chakwal
  • 6963
Free healthcare in Remote areas
100% Complete (success)
$ 1,161.61 Required
$ 1,161.61 Raised
0 Remaining


Transparent Hands is organizing a free Medical Camp in Chakwal. In this medical camp, our team of dedicated doctors and specialists will provide the following facilities to 400+ deserving patients:

  • Free Consultation
  • Free Blood Pressure Test
  • Free Diabetes Test
  • Free Hepatitis B & C Screening Test
  • Free Ultrasound
  • Free Medicines
  • Free Registration of Deserving Cases for Surgeries and Medical Procedures


In Chakwal (district of Punjab), the majority of the people are living below the poverty line in urban-slums or villages. They are struggling every day to meet their basic day to day expenses. In such circumstances, it is even unimaginable for them to avail healthcare services unless the disease has progressed to the advanced stage. Most of the people are uneducated in the localities of Chakwal due to which, they are unaware of the health issues. Due to the ever-increasing costs of healthcare in private hospitals, these people cannot even afford to pay consultation fees and medicines. Public hospitals such as DHQ in Chakwal are not enough to cater to the needs of over 1.5 million population of Chakwal. As examined in the previous medical camps by Transparent Hands in Chakwal, most of the people are suffering from stomach issues, respiratory infections, kidney stones, allergy, and gynae related diseases. Many of them are suffering from diseases that require surgical intervention but they are not able to proceed due to expensive treatment costs.

Our Solution:

With the collaboration of local NGOs and hospitals, Transparent Hands has provided free healthcare to more than 2000 people in its previous medical camps in Chakwal. In this upcoming camp, Transparent Hands aims to treat more than 500 patients. The expenses of this medical camp and medicines will be incurred from the donations by the generous people like you.

Donate for our medical camp and transform the lives of hundreds of patients and their families. Our journey isn’t possible without the support of people like you!


Transparent Hands organized and managed a free medical and surgical camp on March 16, 2021, at Walden Memorial Eye Hospital Daiwal, Chakwal. This camp was set up for the underprivileged residing in the said locality. The camp team consisted of 14 members including one supervisor, four doctors (two male and two female), one pharmacist, one lab technologist, one patient registrar, one female nurse, one photographer, and two crew workers. All patients and other attendees were encouraged to use face masks. Testing facilities for Hepatitis B and C, Blood Sugar Level, and Blood Pressure were provided. In total 509 patients were provided free consultation and medicines.

The medical camp organized by Transparent Hands has played an instrumental role in assisting 509 patients that turned up at Walden Memorial Eye Hospital Daiwal, Chakwal. Majority of the cases examined by the doctors, constituted of patients suffering from stomach issues, joint pains, and allergies. Twelve medical and surgical cases, and three Hepatitis C positive cases have been registered with us. Further medical and surgical care shall be provided to the said registered patients. In the future, we look forward to organizing such camps where we can be of service to the underprivileged patients in Pakistan and facilitate them with health care. We believe health care to be a primary and basic right of all human beings.

 Hasan Muzaffar

Donated: $ 981.72

 Atif Aman

Donated: $ 100

 Launch Good

Donated: $ 32.28

 Sidrah Maryam

Donated: $ 25

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 15

 Yousuf Huda

Donated: $ 5


Donated: $ 1

 Romaisa Malik

Donated: $ 0.65

 Raheel Abbas

Donated: $ 0.65

 Qirsa Rasheed

Donated: $ 0.32

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