Change Many Lives Through Our Free Medical Camp in Chakwal

Change Many Lives Through Our Free Medical Camp in Chakwal

  • 06 Sep 2024
  • Chakwal
  • 8129
Upcoming medical camp in chakwal
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$ 1,375.57 Required
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Transparent Hands provides quality healthcare to thousands of needy patients by arranging free medical camps annually. This time, we plan to hold a free medical camp and preventive health care session in Chakwal. The low-income communities of this region struggle with an inadequate health infrastructure, and many residents don’t have access to essential medical services. We will provide free medical check-ups, diagnostic tests, and medications to deserving patients.


In Chakwal, the poor and needy cannot access quality healthcare due to various reasons. The treatments available at private hospitals are expensive and beyond the reach of needy patients. Public hospitals are often overburdened. That’s why the treatments of many patients get delayed, making their health conditions worse.

There are only a few local hospitals in Chakwal. The residents experience multiple diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and gastrointestinal issues. The common diseases reported among children are acute respiratory infections, fevers, scabies and diarrhea.


To improve the life quality of the needy patients in Chakwal, we are going to organize a free medical camp. This approach will play a crucial role in preventing diseases and bringing healthcare services to those who cannot otherwise afford them. Our medical team of male and female doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and volunteers will offer the following free medical services.

• General Check-Ups
• Gynecology Check-Ups
• Blood Pressure Check-Up
• Uric Acid Tests
• Cholesterol Tests
• Hepatitis B & C Screenings
• BSR (Blood Sugar) Tests
• Ultrasound Scans
• Preventive Healthcare Session
• Deserving Surgical/Medical procedure cases will be registered

Preventive Healthcare Session:

To educate the camp attendees regarding the prevention and management of one of the common diseases in Chakwal, our medical experts will hold a preventive healthcare session. It will promote healthy lifestyle choices and reduce the incidence of the disease.

Stand With Us to Make an Impact:

We need your contributions to make this camp successful. Your support will play a key role in providing quality healthcare to the people awaiting necessary treatments.

Join hands with us to make a significant difference in their lives.

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