List of Top Organizations for Free General Surgery Treatments
The mankind has evolved immensely in billions of years since the time it has been in this universe. From walking barefoot to travelling in airplanes and other inventions, we have come a long way. This means that people of today’s era have the advantages that the previous generations did not have. They not only have access to many luxuries, they are also more woke as a person. However, the new inventions and researches have resulted in a very hazardous situation. Due to the exposure to different chemicals, making of new chemicals and bacteria growing immune to drugs, there are many new diseases that have surfaced the planet. Although there were diseases in the past decades as well, today’s diseases are way more dangerous and are present in different form. Again, due to the technological advancements that we have witnessed, it is easier to cure such diseases as the doctors and scientists have found the cure to almost every other disease. List of Top Organizations for Free General Surgery Treatments.
Pakistan took birth in 1947 after centuries of British rule and living as a united subcontinent. As the country made its place on the world map, it had to accommodate thousands of refugees who had fled the now partitioned India. This resulted in a lot of difficulties as often these people were severely injured and required immediate medical attention. Being a newly born country with limited resources, it was hard for Pakistan to take care of its residents. Despite all the troubles that the country faced, it quickly started making some wise decisions and helped its people. The already present doctors in Pakistan helped the people gain their health back again. It took many years but today Pakistan has made itself quite very successful in the medical world. Although the country still lags in certain items, it has improved a lot in the recent years. The country suffers from poverty and so has often found it challenging to provide its people with the best treatments present in the world. Not only does the government often fails to buy the expensive machinery, many lives are also put on stake as a result. Therefore, many individuals have taken it upon themselves to help the poor people who cannot go abroad for treatments. The required equipment is made available within the country. Together the government and private organisations are boosting the health of Pakistanis.
It cannot be denied that in this fast pacing life and rising competition, it has become a big problem to get a good job. Especially in Pakistan where only limited amount of jobs are available, people have to compete their way to the top. The expenses of living are almost unbearable. In the middle of all this if someone acquires a disease that could only be treated by surgery, it is not easy for a common man to afford that. This massive problem, however, has been solved by many organisations located in Pakistan that are able to provide free general surgery treatments. This has helped the Pakistanis not to worry about the medical expenses and get the best available treatment.
There are many organisations who are doing the amazing job of helping out people. The top organizations that provide free general surgery treatments are mentioned below.
List of Top Organizations for Free General Surgery Treatments
1. Transparent Hands
2. The Indus Hospital
3. Kulsum Healthcare Foundation
4. Memon Medical Institute Hospital
5. Mayo Hospital Lahore
6. Ehssas Foundation
7. Shahid Afridi Foundation
1. Transparent Hands
Free Healthcare Services for Those Who Cannot Afford
“Transparent Hands” is the largest technology platform for crowdfunding in the healthcare sector of Pakistan. It offers a complete range of free healthcare services including medical and surgical treatments, medical camps and tele-health facility, to the underprivileged community of Pakistan.
The platform provides visibility of needy patients and builds a personal and trusted bond between patients and donors while ensuring complete transparency. It also sets up free medical camps in the rural areas of Pakistan in which, free medical consultation, free medicines and free diagnostic tests facility is provided to the deserving patients.
Committed to Provide Free Healthcare Services to People in Need
Transparent Hands provides, free medical and surgical treatment facility to the deserving patients across Pakistan in private hospitals. It also sets up free medical camps in rural areas of the country. Transparent Hands is also providing healthcare at doorstep through its advanced tele-health service.
Donors from all over the world can use our online Crowdfunding web portal and donate through 100% secure payment modes. They could select any patient, fund the treatment and receive regular feedback and updates until the patient is recovered completely.
Download our TransparentHands iPhone Application for Online Donation
2. The Indus Hospital
Spread over 20 acres of land and located in the densely populated Korangi area, The Indus Hospital is 300-bed tertiary care multidisciplinary hospital providing premium healthcare in an impressive, state-of-the-art facility completely free to everyone.
It is has the privilege to be Pakistan’s first paperless hospital and has now become a symbol of hope for the most vulnerable members of the society.
How They Started
The founder of The Indus Hospital, Dr Abdul Bari Khan, and their co-founders served in the public sector hospitals for many years. During their time at government run hospitals, they witnessed the plight of the poverty stricken patients of Karachi. It was at this time that they envisioned to make a multi-disciplinary tertiary care hospital that served the under-served population of Karachi with free and quality treatment.
After a few years, in the year 2005, the Islamic Mission Trust donated a non-functioning hospital building to their founders. This building was renovated and made operational in the year 2007. The Indus Hospital was set up as a tertiary care and multi-disciplinary hospital with 150 beds in the area of Korangi. It serves as an absolutely free of charge hospital with no cash counter.
The Indus Hospital has now evolved into a Health Network with hospitals and public health outreach clinics spread all across Pakistan serving the under-served population of Pakistan with free of charge, indiscriminate and quality treatment.
Excellence in Healthcare for all to Please Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.
- To focus on creating an excellence-driven, comprehensive, compassionate, free of charge and replicable healthcare system accessible to all.
- To be a not-for-profit entity, managed with the Islamic concept of Waqf and funded through donations and Zakat.
- To adhere to ethical best practices in all aspects of its operations, while following the Shariah and the Law of the Land.
- To empower its employees for their spiritual and professional growth
- To enhance and build human capacities through quality education and research
3. Kulsum Healthcare Foundation
Pakistan is a developing country where healthcare infrastructure and system in unsatisfactory. The country stands at 130th place in terms of life expectancy. Hospital beds (per 1,000 people) is 0.60. Non-communicable diseases contribute 56.4 % of total deaths. Only 2.75% of total GDP is spent on healthcare whereas rest of the world spends 10.02%.
Kulsum Healthcare Foundation is dedicated to provide healthcare services to poor and unfortunate members of the society with a belief to relieve their sufferings.
- To provide healthcare services to poor and needy patients and support the unfortunate ones who are compelled to stay for long periods in the hospital due to complications.
- To provide medical assistance in areas affected by natural calamities through establishing multiple healthcare facilities.
- To establish the medical camps in the areas of under-served population
4. Memon Medical Institute Hospital
What they do
MMIH is a 332 bed tertiary care hospital project with state-of-the-art infrastructure that is designed according to the international standards. It is a not for profit set up and is 100% donor funded project that aims to serve people regardless of their caste, creed, color, religion or ability to pay. It has a Patients’ Welfare Program to support the needy people.
The hospital has a covered area of 320, 000 sq. ft. It is centrally air conditioned and designed to meet International Standards. Nursing School, Medical College and Research Institute are planned on 11.5 acres.
To be a role model for caring, curing, education, training, research and employment
To provide accessible and affordable quality health care and education to all with empathy, dignity and respect, IRRESPECTIVE OF THEIR CASTE, CREED, COLOR, RELIGION OR ABILITY TO PAY.
To lead Pakistan towards international quality of healthcare standards while at the same time, providing quality education to medical and nursing personnel.
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- General Surgery
- Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Services
- Nephrology
- ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat)
- Dentistry
- Family Medicine
- Cardiology
- Pulmonology
- Nutrition and Diet Control
- Gastroenterology
- Neurosurgery
- Oncology
- Pediatrics
- Gen Medicine
- Urology
- Thoracic Surgery
5. Mayo Hospital Lahore
Mayo Hospital is the oldest and largest hospital of the country, serving the humanity since 1871. Mayo Hospital was completed in 1870 and it started patient care in 1871. It was named after the Earl of Mayo, the then Viceroy and the Governor General of India.
Encompassing over 54.6 acres of land and the main building with boundary having 11 gates, the hospital is one of the largest hospitals in South East Asia and is a centre of excellence for public benefit. It had bed capacity of 300 beds on the Day of Independence (1947) but now is extended up to 2399 beds. The father of the nation, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah also paid tribute to services rendered by this hospital on his visit to Mayo Hospital dated 19.03.1940.
Mayo Hospital is located in the heart of Lahore City and is surrounded by busy commercial and thickly populated residential areas with famous Anarkali Bazaar, Nila Gumbad, Gawalmandi and the Walled City of Old Lahore around it.
Earlier, after its construction in 1871, the Mayo Hospital was affiliated as a teaching hospital with the King Edward Medical College which came into being in 1860. The hospital was used to be managed by the Medical Superintendent under the administrative control of Government till 1999 when the whole setup was declared as Autonomous Medical Institution and the Mayo Hospital became Allied Hospital of King Edward Medical College. The Principal KEMC and the M.S. Mayo Hospital were placed under the administrative control of a newly created post of Chief Executive. In 2002, the Board of Governors took over the charge of the institution under PMHI Ordinance 2002, according to which the posts of Principal Executive Officer (PEO) / Dean and Deputy Dean were created. In the next year 2003, under another PMHI Ordinance 2003, the Board of Governors were replaced with the Board of Management under which Principal KEMC was declared Head of Institution consisting of KEMC & Mayo Hospital.
Facilities available at Mayo Hospital
- Central ICU with Central Oxygen (O2) & Suction System
- Standard CCU Facilities
- Angiography, Angioplasty, Cardiac Bypass, Heart Valves Replacement and all sorts of Cardiac Operations and procedures
- Radio Isotope Cardiology / Echocardiography / ETT
- Spiral CT, Color Doppler and Ultrasonography on latest machines
- Renal Transplantation and Renal Haemodialysis
- All Dermatological Procedures
- Radiotherapy on latest machines
- Latest Physiotherapy Equipment, Rehabilitation Center and Orthopaedic Workshop
- EMG, EEG and all kind of sophisticated Neuro-surgical operations
- Operations of Plastic Surgery and cosmetology
- Operations of Maxillofacial, Jaw and Dental Surgery
- All kinds of Orthopaedic Operations under competent consultants
- All kind of Eye and ENT Operations
- Surgical Operations of all kind for neonates, children, young and old patients
- Radio Isotope Thyroid, Liver, Bone, Brain and other organs scanning, Hormonal Assays and Viral Markings are being done in CENUM.
6. Ehsaas Foundation:
“Ehsaas Foundation” was founded in 1998 by Mrs. Rifat Shaukat. Ehsaas is an aid and development charity with over 8 years of grass-roots experience that helps low income families to alleviate their poverty and suffering by taking care of their basic necessities of food, water, shelter, health, education and employment – all without compromising their dignity. In addition, Ehsaas also rapidly implements emergency humanitarian relief in areas that have been struck by calamity.
Several of Ehsaas’s campaigns have been created in partnership with the Khawaja Gharib Nawaz Welfare Trust International (KGNWTI) and ARY Television Network including the EHSAAS ZINDAGI KA Campaign which gave welfare and humanitarian relief including Food Support, Clean Water and Shelter during the Pakistan floods of 2010 and 2011.
There is a dire need for health services in some of the poorest regions of Pakistan. Their Health Projects are run in some of the most deprived areas of Pakistan, and vary from helping individuals with life-threatening illnesses to supporting institutions that have helped over 1.4 million people so far such as the Fatima Bai Hospital. In addition, they also provide Medical Camps with free nutrition, consultancy and medicines and Eye Camps with free spectacles and cataract operations.
Fatima Bai Hospital:
The Fatima Bai 100-bed general hospital in Karachi is run on a no profit no loss basis.
It is a modern well-equipped and well-staffed facility with experienced doctors and provides affordable treatment for those on low incomes and treats on average over 4,000 patients a month.
The Fatima Bai Hospital was established in 1985 under the supervision of Haji Yaqoob Wali Muhammad Gandhi Foundation.
The hospital has the following facilities and services:
- General OPD
- 24 Hours I.C.U
- 24 Hours Emergency
- 24 Hours Lab
- Gyane & OBS;
- Surgical
- Physician
- Diabetic
- Psychiatric
- Eye
- Pediatric
- Skin
- Dental
- Physiotherapy
- Ultrasound and X-Ray Departments
- Orthopedic and Plastic Surgery & Endoscopy.
7. Shahid Afridi Foundation (SAF)
Shahid Afridi Foundation (SAF) is an organization truly committed to serve people with love and support. The foundation works like a family where every member is working towards a single objective-helping the underprivileged sections of society. The main focus is on helping those who are in need of a healthy life, access to a proper education and basic medical necessities. Children are indeed the future of a country and they need to be equipped with the tool of education, thus allowing them to bloom individually and contribute towards the betterment of society, hence education charities in this regard can make huge differences.
SAF wants to eradicate illiteracy, especially from the rural areas of Pakistan by ensuring free education for girls. Those areas will develop only when the foundations become strong at grass root level, and this is why SAF is dedicated to building schools in the neglected areas of the country. Donate for child education and allow us to make a better Pakistan tomorrow than today.
The belief is simple- everyone deserves a chance to chase their dreams and wishes. SAF is fighting battles for those suffering from ill health and require treatment. It is not only an organization but instead a ray of hope for those who have stopped smiling, which has led to the birth of their motto; ‘Hope-Not Out!’. The team organizes different charitable events and campaigns with the support of official corporate partners to raise funds for the foundation’s activities and gather education donation. Numerous medical/health related programs have been successfully carried out, yet a lot more is expected in the future.
Shahid Afridi Foundation, founded in March 2014, was a step towards a better Pakistan by the famous cricketer Shahid Afridi also known as Boom Boom worldwide. The organization was established with the purpose of improving the living conditions of the poor and destitute in the society. The first project of the foundation was successful development of a hospital in Tangi Banda Village of Kohat with the name of “Sahibzada Fazal Rehman Memorial and Charity Hospital”. The foundation also worked on the water shortage issues in the villages of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa by fixing simple hand pumps. It also gave scholarships to 12 deserving students of Farabi Government School in year 2014, and shortlists candidate each year to proceed with the tradition. SAF also displayed support for Dar-ul-Sukun (Karachi) by adopting the special children’s ward on 16th October 2015.
On 26th October 2015, the dedicated team visited victims of the Hindu Kush Earthquake in Lady Reading Hospital and provided the donation of Rs. 5 million. The foundation also played a vital part in the heat trauma in June 2015 that attacked Karachi and other areas of Sindh. They joined hands with Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center’s ward 5 to bid an immediate support for the heat stroke victims. Being a sports person Shahid Afridi promotes sports for the progress of healthy life that is why he built a basketball court in a school of Karachi. And very recently SAF has collaborated with Pakistan Association Dubai to build a Fitness & Rehab Centre for Pakistani community in Dubai. Earlier this year Lala also came up with the idea of releasing Pakistani prisoners from Dubai central jail and with the assistance of Dubai police, 30 prisoners were sent back home. With the passage of time not only the SAF community has expanded but the charities collected from fundraising events have also multiplied. The team is enthusiastic to continue these operations further with advance plans and techniques.
Shahid Afridi Foundation (SAF) has a vision to create an ocean of love, happiness and peace for the needy and destitute in Pakistan through the support and encouragement off its followers and donors. The objective is to establish a healthy, stable and secure life for the underprivileged people of the country, especially children. They aspire to transform the lives of their people by generating rays of hopes through their services and programs.
Thar Hospital:
Project Brief
Thar Foundation (a subsidiary of Engro & SECMC) has the prime responsibility of the project, as Engro group has committed not only to substantially fund the construction cost but also has a firm commitment to run the operational expenses of the Thar Hospital. Thar Foundation and Engro have chosen the top operating hospital to operationally manage the Thar Hospital. The Thar Hospital is a 250 bed project with an estimated cost of PKR 2.4 Billion (USD 20 Million).
A vision of a happier future
The Hospital will have provision of family medicine OPD, General Surgery, Orthopedics, Emergency Medicine along with a 24/7 trauma center. The hospital will also run Specialized Programs under the Global Health Directorate and Indus Health Network pertaining to malaria, tuberculosis, mental illnesses, thalassemia etc.
Expected Annual Footfall total number of patients registered and visiting the facility; approximately 124,831 including all admissions, consulting clinic visits, emergency visits etc.
Operational Cost; commitment from SECMC & Engro Power Gen for 10 years and an endowment is being planned with the Thar Coal Project.
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If you require a surgery, you can contact any one of these organisations. These organisations will surely help you out with your treatments and you will not have to worry about any sort of money crises for treatment. In addition to this, if you know someone who might be in need of a treatment, you should recommend the above mentioned organisations to them. Many people out there are living in oblivion and do not know about free treatments made available for them. This often prevents them from seeking out for help and suffer in silence while worrying about the financial issues at the same time. By being told about the free general surgeries, they might go for it. This will help save countless lives and will also raise awareness amongst the people of Pakistan. These organizations are not corrupt neither are they a big scam so they can be trusted for free surgeries.
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