How to Calculate Zakat in 2025?

How to Calculate Zakat in 2025?

Zakat Calculator 2025

This article has been verified by our scholar Mufti Muhammad Zubair Nadeem (PhD in Islamic Studies and Finance, Takhusus from Jamia Ashrafia)

Zakat is Islam’s third pillar and one of the most important practices recommended by Islam. It is a form of almsgiving that is mandatory for all adult Muslims who are sane and have possessions equal to or greater than Nisab. Muslims who qualify for Zakat must donate 2.5 % of their wealth to eligible people. In this article, we will see what Zakat is, why it is important, and the use of Zakat calculator 2025.

 Importance of Zakat in Islam

Zakat’s importance can be determined by its status as the third pillar of Islam. The Zakat obligations apply to every Muslim whose possessions are worth equal to or more than the Nisab value. The current Nisab value equals 613.36 grams or 52.5 tolas of silver.

Zakat is a monetary form of devotion that requires a demonstration of complete faith. In the Quran, Allah says:

“And establish prayer and give zakah, and whatever good you put forward for yourselves – you will find it with Allah. Indeed, Allah of what you do, is Seeing.” (Surat Al-Baqarah, 2:110)

Calculate Zakat Online

How to Calculate Zakat in Islam 

Calculating Zakat is easy.  Once we have determined the eligibility to give Zakat, we need to sum up the total value of our possessions, subtract our liabilities from it, and calculate 2.5% of the sum. The resulting value is the amount we need to give to eligible people. Remember that Zakat is an annual obligation and becomes due on your first Zakat anniversary date. Many Muslims like to give Zakat during Ramadan. That can be done by paying Zakat in advance. You can use an online Zakat calculator to help you with the calculations.

Some of the (prevalent) types of wealth on which Zakat is incumbent are as follows:

  • Gold in all forms  (jewelry or solid gold, whether in use or not)
  • Silver in any form, used for any purpose.
    • Cash in your:
    • Bank accounts
    • EasyPaisa/Jazz Cash
    • Online and digital payment platforms
    • Loans given to others
    • Business investments
  • Trade goods bought with the intention of selling
  • Money invested in a committee (Even installments of committees must be accounted for)

 You can use Transparent Hands’ Muslim Zakat Calculator to calculate your exact Zakat obligations for the year. While calculating time, make sure that you follow the Islamic Calendar, which is lunar. 

Are you looking for an online Zakat calculator?

Who can receive Zakat?

 The following verses of the Quran clarify the eligibility of receiving Zakat.

“Zakah expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to collect [zakah] and for bringing hearts together [for Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the [stranded] traveler – an obligation [imposed] by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.” (Surat At-Tawbah [9:60])

According to these verses, the following set of people are eligible for receiving Zakat:

Al-Fuqaraa – people with very low incomes.

Al-Masakin– people with some possessions but not enough to afford day-to-day living

Zakat Collectors — people who collect Zakat donations.

New Converts — Recent converts to Islam.

People in debt — people who do not have the capacity to pay their debt.

For Fi Sabeelillah — people living their lives for the cause of Islam.

Wayfarers & Travelers — people who travel.

Those in captivity—those in prison or in captivity.

Benefits of Zakat

Purifies Personal Wealth

Zakat is meant to purify our wealth. Using illegal or haram means for earning is strictly prohibited in Islam. That money cannot be purified. However, paying Zakat from Halal earnings further purifies it of any transgression that we might have made involuntarily. Islam asks believers to stay upright, honest, and transparent in their dealings. By giving Zakat, believers further fortify these values while accepting their human vulnerabilities.

Zakat Re-distributes Wealth:

The Zakat money changes hands, allowing for a redistribution of wealth required to decrease the disparities in wealth distribution. A World Bank report confirms that around 700 million people live in extreme poverty. In 2021, almost 4.5 billion people had no access to healthcare. According to the UNDP, the global annual Zakat pool can be somewhere between US $200 billion and US $1 trillion. This amount can potentially change many lives.

Brings People Together:

Zakat is a source of communal harmony as it brings people together:

The Quran tells Muslims:

“O you who have believed, do not invalidate your charities with reminders or injury as does one who spends his wealth [only] to be seen by the people and does not believe in Allah and the Last Day. His example is like that of a [large] smooth stone upon which is dust and is hit by a downpour that leaves it bare. They are unable [to keep] anything of what they have earned. And Allah does not guide the disbelieving people” (Al-baqarah – 264)

Thus, Zakat is a source of brotherhood and unity in the community, fostering a sense of solidarity.

Donate to Transparent Hands:

Transparent Hands is Pakistan’s leading crowdfunding platform in the healthcare sector. It focuses on providing free healthcare services to the country’s most deserving people. The organization’s unique crowdfunding platform ensures that donors learn about the people they assist and the impact they can make in their lives. Transparent Hands has changed many lives through free medical camps, surgical treatments, medical procedures, and preventive healthcare sessions since 2014. Your Sadaqah, Zakat, and other donations to Transparent Hands can change, heal, and save numerous lives. Use our online Zakat calculator 2025


Zakat is highly valued in Islam. It is a financial obligation and a profound expression of faith. By correctly calculating Zakat, Muslims fulfill one of their most important duties and contribute significantly to societal change. You can use the Zakat calculator to know your exact Zakat obligation. The practice of Zakat promotes unity and solidarity among the community of believers, reminding them of their responsibilities towards each other. Organizations like Transparent Hands ensure that Zakat reaches the most deserving people. You can use our Zakat Calculator 2025 to reach your Zakat obligations easily.  

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