Health and Safety Tips for Hajj

Health and Safety Tips for Hajj

Health and Safety Tips for Hajj

Muslims from all over the world perform Hajj in Saudi Arabia every year. Since temperatures during the summer months can reach 50 degrees Celsius in Saudi Arabia and the sacred pilgrimage involves physical exertion, Hajj pilgrims need to follow some health guidelines both for their own well-being and that of others. We’ve compiled these safety and health tips for Hajj 2024 based on the guidelines provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Health. 

Looking for ways to seek blessings from Allah (SWT) this Dhul Hijjah? 

What is the duration of Hajj 2024 and when will Muslims perform this pilgrimage? 

Hajj is performed between the 8th and 13th day of Dhul Hijjah, the last month in the Islamic lunar calendar. The exact date of Hajj is based on the sighting of the moon, and it’s expected that Hajj 2024 will be performed between June 14, 2024, and June 19, 2024. This means that the pilgrims should take steps to prepare themselves for hot weather and follow all health tips for Hajj issued by the authorities. 

Do you want to give your Qubani donation online with ease? 

Vaccination Verification for Hajj 2024

Besides receiving Hajj permits through the Nusk platform, it’s compulsory for Hajj pilgrims to register themselves via the Sehhaty application for the verification of their vaccination status. 

Latest Vaccination Checklist 

Depending on your age, health conditions, and the country you belong to, the list of required Hajj vaccinations for you may include Poliomyelitis, Yellow Fever, and Meningococcal Meningitis. Every Hajj pilgrim traveling to Saudi Arabia who is older than one year is required to get vaccinated for Meningococcal Meningitis. In addition, Seasonal Influenza is a recommended vaccination. Poliomyelitis and SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) are also recommended for certain target groups and countries. For more details, read the health requirements and recommendations issued by Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Health for those who are traveling to the country to perform Hajj. 

Health Tips for Hajj Pilgrims With Chronic Diseases 

If you plan to perform Hajj in 2024 and have a chronic disease, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia advises that you bring along documentation of your health condition. Make sure you have enough quantity of prescribed medicines, which should be carried in the original packaging. 

How to Avoid Heat-Related Health Issues During Hajj 2024

Since pilgrims often have to face high temperatures while performing Hajj, avoiding direct exposure to the sun is recommended, especially for older adults. Patients who take medicines that contribute to dehydration should consult their doctors before performing Hajj. Make sure you drink plenty of water. 

Ways to Prevent Respiratory Infections

Besides wearing face masks in areas with a lot of people, it’s important to maintain distance from those who don’t look well. Only eat properly cooked animal products, don’t drink unpasteurized milk, and maintain distance from camels. Disposable tissue papers should be used when you sneeze or cough, and throw them in a waste bin afterward. Last but not least, use water and soap or disinfectants to wash your hands regularly.

Tips to Avoid Waterborne and Foodborne Diseases 

First, be sure to wash your hands prior to eating and afterward. It’s also necessary to wash your hands after using the toilet. Fruits and vegetables need to be cleaned and washed properly. Care must be taken when cooking food to make sure it’s fit for consumption. Cooked food that has been left uncovered or unrefrigerated should not be consumed. 

How to Prevent Vectorborne Diseases

Mosquitoes are carriers of vectorborne diseases like malaria, dengue, and Zika virus. To avoid these infections while you are in Saudi Arabia, consider wearing light-colored clothes that cover as much of your body as possible. Make sure mosquitoes don’t enter your living spaces through the windows and doors. WHO’s list of health tips for Hajj pilgrims also includes using insect repellents. 

Other Safety and Health Tips for Hajj

  • Since male Hajj pilgrims shave their heads, only go to officially licensed barbers and make sure they use disposable blades that have not been used earlier. This is necessary to avoid bloodborne diseases. 
  • Maintain hygiene while traveling to farms and other areas where animals are present. 
  • Make sure your vaccinations are up to date.
  • Use seatbelts when traveling in vehicles and navigate traffic with care to avoid accidents.
  • Make sure the sockets at your place of residence are not overcrowded or overloaded. 
  • Don’t spit on the floor as it can spread diseases.

From maintaining hygiene to staying hydrated and getting vaccinated, you need to follow multiple health tips for Hajj 2024 to stay healthy and fit during and after your pilgrimage. Besides this, consider earning more rewards and blessings this Eid-al-Adha with your online Qurbani and other donations. Make your first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah count by helping the needy through Transparent Hands. 

Are you ready to join us in saving lives this Dhul Hijjah? 

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