You Helped Us Fight Hepatitis B and C in Karachi

You Helped Us Fight Hepatitis B and C in Karachi

  • 01 Aug 2024
  • Karachi
  • 9060

Transparent Hands, with the sponsorship of Hoechst Pakistan Limited, recently organized a Hepatitis B & C screening camp and preventive healthcare session to make quality healthcare available to underprivileged patients in Karachi. The medical camp was held on 1st August 2024 at Hoechst Pakistan Limited, Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi.

Many needy patients are suffering from Hepatitis B and C in Karachi but they can’t access the timely interventions due to their financial constraints. The goal of the screening camp was to ensure that no one is left behind in accessing quality healthcare.

Free Hepatitis B & C Screenings

A total of 148 deserving patients received Hepatitis B & C screenings. Here is a summary of screening tests provided at the free medical camp in Karachi.

Diagnostic test Number of Tests
        HBV Screening 148
HCV Screening 148

Preventive Healthcare Session

To educate the attendees regarding the prevention and management of Hepatitis B and C, our expert doctors delivered a preventive healthcare session. It empowered individuals to take charge of their health and improve their quality of life.


The free screening camp made a difference in the lives of 148 deserving patients in Karachi. Despite living in an urban city, many low-income communities were facing significant challenges when it came to healthcare access. We aimed to prevent the incidence and transmission of this communicable disease and empower patients to receive timely interventions.

Hepatitis C is prevalent in highly populated cities like Karachi and is usually transmitted through the reusing of syringes, sharing of razors, and blood transfusions. Through this free screening camp, the early detection of Hepatitis B and C was made possible and enabled the patients to receive treatments before it gets worse.

At the medical camp, we also provided information regarding its transmission methods so the residents could protect themselves from these viral diseases.

Medical Camp Team

The medical camp team consisted of 10 members, including 1 supervisor, 1 doctor, 2  lab technicians,  2 patient registrars,1 videographer,  2 crew members, and 1 driver.

 SANOFI Aventis Pakistan Limit

Donated: $ 240.17

Completed Medical Camp

This medical camp has been completed and no longer accepting Donations

100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 240.17 Raised

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