Our Free Medical Camp in Kotri Provided Medical Relief to Deserving Patients

Our Free Medical Camp in Kotri Provided Medical Relief to Deserving Patients

  • 13 May 2024
  • 8729


Transparent Hands recently organized a free medical camp and conducted a preventive healthcare session, aiming to provide quality healthcare services to underprivileged patients. The medical camp took place on May 13, 2024, at Haji Abdul Ghafoor Charitable Hospital, located in Village Ali Bakhash Khaskheli, Kotri. We also thank Rafhan Maize Co. Ltd, and other compassionate donors for their support. 

Free Consultations, Medicines, and Diagnostic Tests

A total of 505 deserving patients received free consultations with expert doctors. Free medicines, diabetes tests, hepatitis B & C screenings, uric acid, and blood pressure check-ups were also provided.

Here is the summary of all diagnostic tests provided in this free medical camp. 

Diagnostic Tests Total Number of Tests
HBV Screening 8
HCV Screening 9
Uric acid  0
BSR 34
Total 51

Preventive Healthcare Session 

At the medical camp, one of our expert doctors held a session on the significance of cleanliness and hygiene in preventing skin allergies, providing valuable guidance to the attendees.

Most Common Diseases

Most of the patients who sought consultation were suffering from fever, cough, flu, sore throat, chest congestion, migraine, eye infection, earache, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, anemia, foot pain, kidney pain, body pain, urine infection, and diabetes. 


The free medical camp in Kotri brought about a transformative change in the lives of 505 deserving patients and their families. The camp offered crucial medical consultations, free medicines, and diagnostic tests, ensuring that those in need received the essential healthcare services they required. It provided a ray of hope for individuals who otherwise faced limited access to medical resources, empowering them to address their health concerns and receive proper care.

In addition to the medical services, a preventive healthcare session was organized during the camp. This session focused on educating the attendees about the significance of personal hygiene in maintaining overall well-being and preventing common skin allergies. 

The success of this medical camp shows our commitment our mission of delivering essential healthcare services to underserved communities, particularly in remote and rural areas. It is made possible by the dedicated efforts of support of thousands of donors who believe in the transformative power of accessible healthcare.

Medical Camp Team

The medical camp team comprised 16 members, including 1 supervisor, 4 doctors (2 males & 2 females) 1 staff nurse, 2 lab technicians, 3 pharmacists, 4 patient registrars, and 1 photographer.

 Rafhan Maize

Donated: $ 332.55


Donated: $ 200

 Mehmood Ahmad

Donated: $ 181.17

 Ather Daru

Donated: $ 180.88

 Square INC

Donated: $ 116.68

 Ali Nawaz Abba

Donated: $ 108.58

 Sana Anees

Donated: $ 15.57

 Muhammad Ismail Khan

Donated: $ 7.23

 Fatehuddin Junejo

Donated: $ 3.62

 Aisha Ammar

Donated: $ 3.62

 Raheel Anwer

Donated: $ 3.62

Completed Medical Camp

This medical camp has been completed and no longer accepting Donations

100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 1,153.52 Raised

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