Free Medical Camp Held on 23rd June 2021 At Islamkot, Sindh

Free Medical Camp Held on 23rd June 2021 At Islamkot, Sindh

  • 23 Jun 2021
  • 4020

Transparent Hands organized and managed a free Medical and Surgical camp on 23rd June 2021 at The Nath Maternal and Child Care Centre, Islamkot. This camp was set up for the underprivileged people residing in the said locality. The camp was organized and managed by the team of Transparent Hands. In this camp, a total of 248 patients were checked free of cost.

The camp team consisted of fifteen members including two supervisors, three doctors (one male and two female), two pharmacists, one lab technician, one patient registrars, three female nurses, and two crew workers. All COVID SOPs were followed by the camp team. Patients and all other attendees were encouraged to wear face masks and use hand sanitisers. Moreover, they were also given free face masks, sanitizers, free consultation, and free medicines. Testing facilities for Hepatitis B and C, blood sugar level and blood pressure were provided. In total 248 patients were provided free consultation and medicines.

In this camp, three patients were found to be in need for surgery. These patients have been registered with Transparent Hands. Further medical and surgical care shall be provided to the said registered patients. Team Transparent Hands, extends gratitude to all the honourable donors for assisting us in achieving our goals to hold a medical and surgical camp at The Nath Maternal and Child Care Centre, Islamkot, Sindh. In future, we look forward to organizing such camps where we can be of service to the underprivileged patients in Pakistan and facilitate them with health care as we believe health care to be a primary, and basic right of all human beings.

 Launch Good

Donated: $ 866.24

 Mustafa I Edhi

Donated: $ 200

 Burhan Tanweer

Donated: $ 100

 Noorein Farooqui

Donated: $ 100

 Ruhma Shahzad

Donated: $ 50

 Sonea mahboob

Donated: $ 50

 Evenou Menard

Donated: $ 50

 Sana Hamid

Donated: $ 32

 Iman Mahmoud

Donated: $ 30

 A K Sattar

Donated: $ 30

 Saad Almutwa

Donated: $ 20

 Jad Al Awar

Donated: $ 15

 Ali M Sultan

Donated: $ 15

 Mehreen Khan

Donated: $ 10

 Sayed Alvi

Donated: $ 10

 Md masrur ahmed alif

Donated: $ 10


Donated: $ 10

 Seif Seif

Donated: $ 10

 Sadia Nasim

Donated: $ 10

 Mariam Faisal Aser

Donated: $ 10

 Phalguni Sultana

Donated: $ 10

 Engin Bahce

Donated: $ 10

 Ibrahim muktar

Donated: $ 5.02

 Yousuf Huda

Donated: $ 5

 Aiza fayyaz

Donated: $ 5

 Mahbuba Choudhury

Donated: $ 5

 Firas Charfeddine

Donated: $ 5

 Anzer Waqar

Donated: $ 3

 Ghulam Jamil

Donated: $ 1


Donated: $ 0.06

 Hyder Ahmed

Donated: $ 0.06

 Hadeel Hmoud

Donated: $ 0.03

Completed Medical Camp

This medical camp has been completed and no longer accepting Donations

100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 1,677.42 Raised

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