Free Medical Camp, Held on 10th of October 2021, At Govt. Girls Secondary High School Umar Block, Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore.

Free Medical Camp, Held on 10th of October 2021, At Govt. Girls Secondary High School Umar Block, Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore.

  • 10 Oct 2021
  • Lahore
  • 4069
free medical camp at the Govt. Girls Secondary High School Umar Block, Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore

Transparent Hands organized and managed a two-day free medical camp at the Govt. Girls Secondary High School Umar Block, Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore. This camp was organized and managed by Transparent Hands in association with Life Hospital. Provincial Minister of Punjab for Housing and Development and Public Health Engineering, Mian Mehmood ur Rasheed also graced us with his presence at the Free Medical Camp. The purpose of setting up this camp was to cater to the underprivileged people residing in the said locality. Our camp team consisted of twenty-one members including two supervisors, eight doctors (three male and five female), two pharmacists, one lab technician, one female nurse, two photographers, and five crew workers.

In total, 157 patients turned up in the camp. All COVID SOPs were followed by the camp team. Patients and all other attendees were encouraged to wear face masks and use hand sanitisers. Free Eye check-up along with testing facilities for Hepatitis B and C, blood sugar level, blood pressure, and facility of free ultrasound was provided to the patients. The facility of getting free eyeglasses made was also available so numerous patients got their eyeglasses made.

The majority of the cases examined by the doctors consisted of patients suffering from eye diseases, stomach issues, joints and muscular pains, and various types of allergies. Free, appropriate medication was provided to such patients. Four surgical cases and three Hepatitis cases were found in this camp. All of the said patients have been registered with us for treatment. Further medical care shall be provided to them at our relevant panel hospitals in Lahore.

Team Transparent Hands, extends gratitude to Hon’ble Mian Mehmood ur Rasheed for gracing us with his presence, to all the honorable donors, and to Life Hospital. In the future, we look forward to organizing such camps where we can be of service to the underprivileged patients in Pakistan and facilitate them with health care as we believe health care to be a primary, and basic right of all human beings.


Donated: $ 899

 Hira ali

Donated: $ 40

 Muhammad Zaid ur Rehman

Donated: $ 29.49

 Athar Khan

Donated: $ 25.31

 Fizza Imam

Donated: $ 25

 Ahmed Khiari

Donated: $ 10


Donated: $ 8

 N Nawaz

Donated: $ 6

 Sheraz Hamid Wyne

Donated: $ 5.86

 Ciprian-Mugurel Nechita

Donated: $ 5

 Jacho Berracha

Donated: $ 3

 Qirsa Rasheed

Donated: $ 2.05

 polanco valenzuela

Donated: $ 1

 Rabia Kabir

Donated: $ 1

Completed Medical Camp

This medical camp has been completed and no longer accepting Donations

100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 1,060.71 Raised

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