Free Medical Camps for Poor Organized by TransparentHands

Free Medical Camps for Poor

Free Medical Camps for Poor Organized by TransparentHands

TransparentHands is a medical trust in Pakistan which funds surgeries of poor patients using a Global crowdfunding platform. This platform provides visibility of poor patients and builds a personal and trusted bond between patients and donors while ensuring complete transparency.

List of Top 5 Private Hospitals in Islamabad(1)

The Top Private Hospitals in Islamabad

List of Top 5 Private Hospitals in Islamabad. Being the third largest city of Pakistan, Islamabad offers some of the best health facilities in Pakistan. The services offered here include the most advanced and well-equipped hospital and medical treatment centers. These clinics and hospitals have the ability to accommodate thousands of patients from all around Pakistan and that of the foreign patients. List of Top 5 Private Hospitals in Islamabad.

List of Top 5 Private Hospitals in Karachi

List of Top 5 Private Hospitals in Karachi

List of Top 5 Private Hospitals in Karachi. The health organizations always work in a highly competitive environment and with the passage of time the competition is getting tough day by day. To compete this situation the hospitals and clinics needs to enhance their level of customer satisfaction. List of Top 5 Private Hospitals in Karachi.

List of top 5 government hospitals in Karachi

Top 5 Government Hospitals in Karachi

List of Top 5 Government Hospitals in Karachi. Health is one of the major issues of the Pakistani community. Though the region is rich with a number of natural blessings, there are some serious health issues faced by the residents of the region. List of Top 5 Government Hospitals in Karachi.

list of top 5 Private hospitals in Lahore

Top 5 Private Hospitals in Lahore

We have prepared a List of Top 5 Private Hospitals in Lahore just for you. Thoug these are some of the well appreciated hospitals in Pakistan but apart from them, there is a long list of private hospitals in Lahore as well as in other parts of Pakistan that are offering exceptional yes economical services to the citizens of Pakistan.

Best Food Items For Kidney You Must Include in your Diet

Best Food Items For Kidney You Must Include in your Diet

Best Food Items For Kidney You Must Include in your Diet. The basic step to stay healthy is to have a healthy diet, on daily basis. Eating healthy food once or twice and going with unhealthy items rest of the time does not make any difference

Your Daily Dose of Vitamin D

Your Daily Dose of Vitamin D

We all know that vitamins and mineral are of great importance for our body and healthy life. Every single vitamin or mineral has some specific functions and today we are going to talk about the Vitamin D. one of the major concerns anyone has is the question of how one can get his/her daily dose of any specific vitamin

benefits of broccoli

Broccoli – Your Ultimate Health Guru

Do you have any idea about the Health benefit of broccoli? If not really, then we are here to give you a minor idea about this health guru and the way it can have a positive impact on your body, mind, and soul. One of the most tasteful vegetables, it has a number of nutrients in it.

Uterine Fibroids- What Women Need to Know

Uterine Fibroids: What Women Need to Know?

Uterine Fibroid is the most common disease which is developed in about 20 to 80 percent of women by the age of 50 whereas 35 percent of women are diagnosed with this before they reach menopause. Fibroids can make the women feel very uncomfortable and often cause many complications depending on how serious is the case.