Top 5 Charity Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in need in Pakistan

Top 5 Welfare Organizations from Australia

Medicine is definitely a glorious field advancing forward and making improvements everyday, in order to add a few more years to an average human life. Medicine was aimed to prevent and cure diseases, and to prolong human lives irrespective of the fact whether the patient is rich or poor.

Top 5 Trust Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in need in Pakistan

Top 5 Trust Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in Need in Pakistan

One’s access to good health shouldn’t depend, on whether they live on the ivory tower or in the slums. One’s access to quality medical care, shouldn’t also  depend on how many bank accounts they have.The lack of sincerity in our governments and responsible authorities have led to an impaired healthcare system: causing unnecessary pain, suffering and uncountable deaths till now.

Open Heart Surgery

5 Things You Should Know About Open Heart Surgery

Open heart surgeries are performed to operate on the heart to treat problems with the valves, arteries supplying the heart, and often problems associated with Aneurysms in the main vessel leaving the heart. Though it is an intensive surgery,  mortality rates are quite low so patients need not worry or become scared about the procedures.