Free Medical Camps for School Students in Rural Areas of Pakistan

Free Medical Camps for School Students in Rural Areas of Pakistan

Free Medical Camps for School Students in Rural Areas of Pakistan

Free medical camps primarily focus on providing basic healthcare to those who are deprived of their rights. Various reports and statistics suggest that the boons of development haven’t touched the lives of villagers yet, ultimately leading to health issues among the children.

What is the Importance of Charity and Who is Eligible to Have It

What is the Importance of Charity and Who is Eligible to Have It

People choose to support charitable organizations or nonprofits for various reasons. For some, it offers the chance to give something back to the community or make a difference to the people around them. Charity is an opportunity to give something back to the community through donating to an organization that has impacted a person's life.

Free Medical Camps in Rural Areas of Pakistan

Free Medical Camps in Rural Areas of Pakistan

Thousands of people like Laila begum lack access to basic health care and specialist treatment and have to walk for many days to attend the nearest hospital or else take the long and tiring journey to the towns where medical costs are even higher. The rural areas in Pakistan are economically depressed areas where the village dwellers can barely afford a square meal each day. When they fail to meet the most vital needs such as food, having the desire to get health care for their families are no less than farfetched dreams.

free medical camps in pakistan

Free Medical Camps in Pakistan

Free Medical Camps are life-saving programs that provide basic health care and dental services to the unprivileged community. Free medical Camps mainly focus on providing basic health care and dental services to the people who lack access to basic healthcare services.

List of Top 5 Trust Organizations in Canada

List of Top 5 Trust Organizations in Canada

A Trust is an organization that is created by a will and formed after death or even during life time. Once the Trust is formed all the assets provided to the Trust will belong to the organization and not to the Trustee.This time onwards the assets will be subjected to the rules and instructions of the trust contract.

Top Requirements to Organize a Free Medical Camp

Top Requirements to Organize a Free Medical Camp

Medical camps are conducted by health professionals to provide limited health services amongst the underprivileged community. The poor attend these camps to get free check-up and treatment. Getting the appropriate kind of health checkup is vital for every human being so these medical camps provide the poor population overall physical examination which includes eyes and health check-up, assessment of the functioning of vital organs like the heart, lungs, digestive system, liver, kidneys and the immune system.

How to calculate Zakat on Revenue

How to calculate Zakat on Revenue

For Muslims around the world, the month of Ramadan is a time of deep reflection, sacrifice and joyous family gatherings. It’s also a time when Muslims give more Zakat than any time of the year.The giver is believed to be purified through the act of transferring wealth to the poor. Zakat is also a powerful source of good with untapped potential for contributing to sustainable development in communities.

List of Top 5 NGOs in Canada

List of Top 5 NGOs in Canada

The NGOs play a vital role in the society as the catalyst and partner. Even though the government is a powerful institution, it cannot be present everywhere and has its own limitations. So NGOs act as the extending hand to the government by interacting with those who require help to bring their issues into the notice of policymakers.

What Are the Requirements to Organize a Free Medical Camp

What are the Requirements to Organize a Free Medical Camp

Free medical camps are organized to provide health services and create an environment where the underprivileged community gets sensitized about health issues. Thousands of poor people in villages and urban areas attend the health camps. These camps provide free tests for Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Hemoglobin etc and offers counseling & treatment by trained Doctors and Specialists. Free medicines are given to the people.

List of Top 5 Charity Organizations in Canada

List of Top 5 Charity Organizations in Canada

We spend our monotonous life working in order to survive, to build our own homes, to look after our families, to shape our future and toil hard so that life blesses us with all kinds of prosperities. We believe that human existence lies in just staying alive so we forget to find a worthy reason to live for.