Top 5 Charity Christmas Gifts

Top 5 Charity Christmas Gifts

Top 5 Charity Christmas Gifts

Christmas becomes delightful when we are wrapped with the warmth and love of our family at the comfort of our home. Unfortunately, we live in an unequal world where life is easier for those who have the wealth to buy the comfort whereas it becomes a nightmare for the people who do not have the luxury to pay for their basic necessities. When we are being blessed with the fortune and goodness of life, we must warm up our conscious on this spiritual and festive eve of the Christmas and think about the people that aren’t as fortunate as us.

Online Donation Website Lists Where You Can Apply for Medical Bills

Online Donation Website Lists Where You Can Apply for Medical Bills

Crowdfunding is one of the most powerful and useful inventions of the internet. Social giving through the online donation websites is helping people to deal with their toughest time in life. Healthcare expenditures are too pricey at present day which is why people are turning to online donation websites to raise funds for their expensive treatments, surgeries or medicines. Medical Crowdfunding helps the patients to acquire financial support from a large group of people who donate through this online platform. While crowdsourcing was first introduced to the people for funding their business incentives and creative projects, it has now evolved to help people arran...

Crowdfunding for Surgical Costs for poor people of Pakistan

Crowdfunding for Surgical Costs for Poor people in Pakistan

Ayesha was just 4 ½ years old when she was diagnosed with Anorectal Malformation (ARM), leading to severe miscommunication between the rectum and genital tract. Doctors had to conduct her colostomy when she was just 11 days old to make a temporary passage of stool. Doctors had advised her for another surgery to construct her back passage at the normal site.

Crowdfunding for Surgerical Treatment for poor people of Pakistan

Crowdfunding for Surgical Treatment for poor people of Pakistan

Jahanzeb Effendi is a medical doctor who had served in both public and private hospitals of Pakistan. He spoke about the prevailing issues of our health care system with the Dawn on, April 7, 2017. While talking about the bitter experiences he had mentioned about a surgical case once he had handled in a government hospital:

Christmas Charities for Low-Income Families in USA

Christmas Charities for Low-Income Families in USA

Monica Stewart is a full-time worker at a daycare center in Birmingham, Ala. She is a single mother and earns a minimum wage. She lives in a small one bedroom apartment with her 9-year-old daughter Katherine and 7-year-old son Samuel. She struggles hard each day to manage her daily expenses within her limited salary. Being a single mother, she has to worry a lot about fulfilling her kids’ basic needs such as food, clothing, healthcare, and educational expenses. She often chooses cheap foods instead of healthy ones to make sure there are three times meals available to her kids.

Online Donation Websites List Where You Can Pay For Medical Bills

Online Donation Websites List Where You Can Pay For Medical Bills

Nobody knows what the future holds for them. The future can come up with unexpected troubles and mishaps putting you in a critical situation where you can see your life getting shattered. The future can come up with unexpected expenses especially when you have a family. Your parents or spouse or child may contact a complicated disease requiring expensive medical treatment. Patients are forced to postpone their treatments or take massive debts to afford the expensive medical care. Families often get bankrupt or forced to sell their valuable properties to pay for the costly medical bills.

What is charity, How to pay it and Who is Eligible to Have it

What is charity, How to pay it and Who is Eligible to Have it?

Charles A.Ellwood, Lecturer of the University of Nebraska, has marked the nineteenth century as one of the remarkable eras that have witnessed the rise of humanitarian sentiment than never before. In his 1899 lectures on Society and Charity, Charles mentioned that the nineteenth century was the time when the society began to put enthusiastic effort to help its weaker members in the struggle for their survival. Charles A. Ellwood’s lecture isunique as it was the first formal public presentations in Lincoln.

Maximum Tax Rebate on Charitable Donations in USA

Maximum Tax Rebate on Charitable Donations in USA

Taxpayers are now concerned about the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act law which has brought significant changes regarding charitable deductions. The standard deduction scale has gone higher this year which means most itemizers won’t benefit from it. If you are still willing to itemize the lower tax brackets that may lessen your deduction making it less valuable. Again some concealed elements which are often overlooked by the taxpayers in the tax law will increase the value of charitable deductions for a specific group of people.

Maximum Tax Discount on Charitable Donation in USA

Maximum Tax Discount on Charitable Donation in USA

The tax deduction will reduce the total income for the year which will be subjected to taxes. Taxpayers need to know how income tax is calculated to understand the benefit that deductions usually give to your taxes. People usually expect huge deductions on their charitable donations but in reality, the IRS won’t give you a tax relief of $1 on every dollar that you have donated. Charitable deductions will reduce your tax bill to some extent like a quarter dollar or so for every dollar that you donate. Still, charitable donations offer a tempting bonus and some decent savings.