Best Charities You Should Support During Dhul Hijjah

Best Charities You Should Support During Dhul Hijjah

Dhul Hijjah

Dhul Hijjah provides a unique opportunity for Muslims to earn blessings through charity. You can make a lasting difference with your Dhul Hijjah donation this year. However, before you donate in Dhul Hijjah, be sure to consider your options. Explore multiple charities to find the ones that support causes that are close to your heart, and understand the impact they can create with your donation. This list of the best charities you should support during Dhul Hijjah 2024 can make it easier for you to make informed decisions. 

Are you exploring options to feed the needy in Pakistan with your Qurbani? 

Transparent Hands

Transparent Hands has been bridging the gaps in healthcare since 2014. The organization provides free surgical and medical care to deserving patients with funds raised through a unique online crowdfunding platform. You can help the needy with your Qurabani, Sadaqah, Zakat, and other donations through Transparent Hands this Eid-al-Adha. The organization allows you to give your donations online from across the globe with ease. Support Transparent Hands and earn rewards during the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah 2024. 

Looking for a way to give your online Qurbani donation with ease? 

Human Appeal

Human Appeal is a nonprofit that focuses on humanitarian aid. Since its inception in 1991, this UK-based organization has been helping people with emergency aid, sustainable development projects, comprehensive orphan care, as well as many other programs. One of their initiatives involves providing clean water systems, which not only improves health but also uplifts local communities. You can contribute to projects like building wells, improving food security, or sponsoring orphans. Your Dhul Hijjah donation can change many lives. 

Rahma Worldwide

Established in 2014, Rahma focuses on healthcare, education, and infrastructure, particularly in areas that are often out of the media spotlight. Their programs are changing lives in many parts of the world. Rahma Worldwide also delivers humanitarian services in conflict-affected areas like Palestine and Syria. You can give your Qurbani donation through this organization to feed the underprivileged. In 2023, they distributed Qurbani meat in 18 countries. You can support Rahma Worldwide with your volunteer services or Dhul Hijjah donation this Eid-al-Adha. 

Life for Relief and Development

Life for Relief and Development has rolled out various initiatives and programs to alleviate human suffering since 1992. The organization provides assistance in the form of healthcare, education, community development, orphan care, and access to clean water. They also help those facing economic hardships, natural disasters, poverty, and food scarcity. The organization is also helping people living in conflict-affected areas such as Syria, Iraq, and Gaza. You can assist them in continuing their mission with your Dhul Hijjah donation. 

Global Relief Trust

As a UK-based Muslim charitable organization, Global Relief Trust has been making an impact in various sectors like education, healthcare, and food security. The organization is bringing relief to people in multiple countries and regions, including Palestine, Malawi, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Syria, Tanzania, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Lebanon. During the month of Dhul Hijjah, you can give your Qurbani through this charitable organization, which distributes fresh Qurbani meat in 10 countries. Donate in Dhul Hijjah 2024 to Global Relief Trust to support one or more noble causes.

Al-Khair Foundation

Based in the UK, the Al-Khair Foundation is known for its extensive humanitarian aid and disaster relief efforts worldwide. The foundation engages in a wide range of activities from providing clean water and sanitation services to supporting orphans. In Dhul Hijjah 2024, you can give your Qurbani through this organization to feed the poor and needy. You can opt to sacrifice a goat/sheep, camel, or cow. You can even donate one or more Qurbani shares (camel or cow). Donating to the Al-Khair Foundation means supporting multiple initiatives that improve numerous lives.

Syria Relief

Syria Relief, as the name suggests, is a charitable organization that focuses on the Syrian crisis. This charity provides a lifeline to those still in Syria as well as refugees displaced by conflict. From building homes for Syrians to improving food security, you can support multiple causes with your charity. The organization ensures that aid reaches those who need it most, making every donation impactful. During the month of Dhul Hijjah, you can give your Qurbani through this charity to distribute the meat among Syrian families. 

How to Choose the Right Charity for Your Dhul Hijjah Donation 

When deciding which charity to support during Dhul Hijjah 2024, consider factors like transparency, effectiveness, alignment with your values, and the specific needs of the community being served. Research each charitable organization’s history, mission, and achievements. Many charities offer detailed reports and updates.


As Dhul Hijjah 2024 approaches, consider these charities for your acts of giving. Each one offers a unique way to contribute to important global needs, from emergency relief and healthcare to education and sustainable development. After shortlisting the best charities you should support during Dhul Hijjah, make a real difference through your generosity. Your Dhul Hijjah donation can provide hope, save lives, and uplift communities. 

Do you want to make this Eid special for the needy with your Qurbani donation? 

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