Concept, Purpose, and Importance of Charity in Our Society

Concept, Purpose, and Importance of Charity in Our Society

Concept, Purpose, and Importance of Charity in Our Society

Charity is the act of extending love and kindness to others unconditionally, which is a conscious act but the decision is made by the heart, , without expecting a reward. When Charity is carried out selflessly, it is a one-way act where a person gives but asks for nothing in return. It is due to this act of nature that makes it precious and soulful. There are people who believe charity should begin at home but others believe it should originate from the heart.

Best 4 Ways to Avoid Online Charity Scams

Best 4 Ways to Avoid Online Charity Scams

If you are thinking of supporting charitable organizations, it is always good you first research well to avoid becoming a victim of a scam. Online charity scam is on the rise and there are several people who have been conned online making it necessary to first think thoroughly before you give to charity. So what are some of the best ways to avoid online scams? Let`s have a look at the best 4 approaches. Best 4 Ways to Avoid Online Charity Scams. Before you click the “donate now” button, it is important that you conduct due diligence to establish the authenticity of the organization you are about to send funds to. There are several online review websites wher...

How South Korea CSR Programs Can Help the Healthcare Sector in Pakistan

How Sweden’s CSR Programs Can Help the Healthcare Sector in Pakistan

A report Published by the Swedish Institute has revealed that The Swedish Government encourages the private sector to follow the OECD’s guidelines for multinational companies and to apply the ten principles regarding respect for human rights, employee rights, environmental responsibility and anti-corruption from the UN Global Compact.

4 Ways to Fund a Heart Hole Surgery in Pakistan

4 Ways to Fund a Heart Hole Surgery in Pakistan

Healthcare in Pakistan has become expensive nowadays and it is becoming necessary for people to look elsewhere other than their own pockets or bank accounts. The rising cost of living makes people unable to fund their own treatment bills as they have overgrown their capacity. For instance, heart hole surgery will cost tooth and nail and not just any Pakistani citizen is able to afford the bill.

List of Top 10 Fundraising Websites in Pakistan

List of Top 10 Fundraising Websites in Pakistan

We’ve got this great idea to start a social campaign still when we don’t have the money or the strength to get it off the ground, only knowing that tapping into generosity and wisdom of the crowdfunding method can help immediately. Crowdfunding was first used by entrepreneurs as a way to attract small-sized investments for for-profit ventures, primarily by the internet.

Concept, Purpose, and Importance of Zakat in Islam

Concept, Purpose and Importance of Zakat in Islam

According to Islamic principle, all things belong to Allah and that wealth is held by human beings in trust. The word Zakat means 'purification' and 'growth'. Our possessions are purified when we give a proportion for those in need and this act of giving balances and encourages new growth in our economy. Each Muslim calculates his or her own Zakat separately.

Importance of Zakat in Islam

Importance of Zakat in Islam

Once in your lifetime, you’ve probably faced a morning when you looked into the mirror and realize your life is missing something. You’re off purpose! You know you’ve so much in life to be grateful for, yet deep inside ,you can sense a void in your life which hints you’re disconnected to the meaning of life because you lack a high purpose in life.

List of Top 10 Fundraising Websites in USA

List of Top 10 Fundraising Websites in USA

Crowdfunding at present is an amazing platform to share stories of people that might not have received donations at all and successfully it is raising thousands or millions of dollars online. Crowdfunding isn't new. Musical bands, for example, have been doing it for a long time.

How to Raise Money for Charity Online

How to Raise Money for Charity Online

The social media and the web, are two factors that have transformed charity fundraising. More nonprofit organizations are adopting the online fundraising strategy, thanks to the internet for empowering more people to use these channels. Apart from fundraising, the charitable organizations have been able to use the internet as a way of driving more awareness on some of the activities that they support.

How South Korea CSR Programs Can Help the Healthcare Sector in Pakistan

How South Korea’s CSR Programs Can Help the Healthcare Sector in Pakistan

In practice, many Korean companies comprehend CSR as philanthropy. Many major CSR activities in South Korea takes place in this area. In 2008, South Korea’s largest one hundred companies (based on sales volume) gave an average of roughly $24 million in charitable donations from 2006, despite the global economic crisis. According to the FKI’s “White Paper on Corporation and Corporate Foundation Social Giving,”