Muhammad Hussnain couldn’t make it despite our sincere efforts
Muhammad Hussnain's Story
Muhammad Hussnain 4 months old baby was diagnosed with a complex congenital heart defect. He was advised open heart surgery. His surgery was done on 29-05-19 in Ittefaq Hospital by Dr. Muhammad Asim Khan. He recovered post operatively in ICU and was shifted to the ward in satisfactory condition but developed chest infection after some time during his hospital stay. He was shifted back to ICU, resuscitated and put on ventilatory support. Unfortunately, his chest infection did not improve and it progressed to respiratory failure. He expired on 03-06-19.
Donors who are supporting Muhammad Hussnain
Faisal Sabzwari
Donated: $ 832
Tauqeer Amjad
Donated: $ 180
Donated: $ 748