Donate to help Ghulam Rasool

Donate to help Ghulam Rasool

100% Complete (success)
£ 112.24 Required
£ 112.24 Raised
0 Remaining

Ghulam Rasool's Story

Everyone knows, that poverty is a big issue of planet earth. So let’s not talk about it. Let’s talk about the relations and their respective expectations. They say life laughs at you, when you are planning or dreaming about your future. Do you think so? Many people work hard throughout their lives, but when it comes to the return or successful results of their bearings, then life prompt with words like Sorry, your session has expired, you have to die now. How unfair? Isn’t it? Ghulam Rasool is a victim of the same scenario. He was diagnosed with Renal Calculi (Kidney Stones) due to which he used to experience episodic spasms of pain in his abdominal region. Sooner, the pain started to scream loudly and he was compelled to visit the doctor. Unfortunately, he had to use all his assets for the treatment & operation. So he did, and sooner he was back to a healthy life. But Life did not stop here. He met with the same awful pain after 2 years and he needs to remove it through LITHOTRIPSY. All available resources have been used already for the previous operations and a shopkeeper cannot earn too much to make new assets in just 2 years. Now what? Should he keep on waiting? Come! Do not let GHULAM RASOOL die. Donate for him, as he really deserves to live.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Master group of industries

Donated: £ 66.12


Donated: £ 31.13


Donated: £ 15

Ghulam Rasool's Story

He had a recurrent attack of renal stone. The severity of the attack was even more than the previous one. Transparent Hands provided him an opportunity thus he got operated at Zainab Memorial Hospital by Dr. Mazhar. All the expense of the surgery was given by the company Molty-foam. Ghulam Rasool thanked all the donors as he is now able to earn for his family.

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